Response Question Are you more liberal or conservative? Explain. 1/24/14
Understanding Politics
1. Were you surprised where you stood on the political spectrum? Do you agree with the results? 2. Were the majority of students in this class more liberal or conservative? Estimate what percentage. 4. Do you think this test reflects the entire population of Maria Carrillo Students? Why or why not? 5. If we were to administer this test to people in two of the following states what do you think the results would be? Why? Mississippi, Texas, New York, Idaho 3. Without naming names were there any students in class that surprised you with their placement on the spectrum? Why? If not, why?
Social issues So what are they? Examples? Economic Issues So what are they? Examples? Libertarianism So what is it? What stance would they take on the above issues? Authoritarianism So what is it? What stance would they take on the above issues?
Extreme Libertarian Extreme Authoritarian Moderate Where do you stand? Test In a moment we’ll be going to the lab to take an online test that will help guide us towards an understanding of our political views. When we go in find a computer, go to and click on the left hand tab “take the test” When you are done record your placement on the grid and wait for your peers to be finished. When we go back to class pick up one of the sheets at the door, read it to help you understand your placement, and do the writing assignment entailed on the slip.
In what Quadrant were most students? Based on your understanding of the compass, what does this tell you about your peers? Response Question1/28/14