*Ideology = a set of beliefs about how society should be governed. American Political Ideologies* *Ideology = a set of beliefs about how society should be governed.
What should government do? Social Issues (a.k.a., Conduct Issues) Liberals Conservatives Less Govt Action More Govt Action
What should government do? Economic Issues (a.k.a., pocketbook issues) Liberals Conservatives More Govt Action Less Govt Action
Social Issues Economic Pure Liberals Pure Conservatives Social Issues Economic Less Govt Action More Govt Action More Govt Action Less Govt Action
Economic Issues Social Issues Communism Pure Liberal Populist More govt action Pure Liberal Populist Economic Issues Pure Conservative Libertarian Fascism Anarchy More govt action Social Issues
More likely Democrat More likely Independent More likely Republican Pure Liberals Pure Cons. Populists Libertarians E = L L L L L L L L C C C C C C C C L L L L C C C C L L L L C C C C L L C C L L C C L L C C L L C C N I N I N I N I N I N I N I N I PPC = CR = FP* = *I = Interventionist; N = Non-interventionist