What is Politics? Politics is the struggle over power and influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant of withhold benefits of privileges. By this definition, politics are everywhere: in school, in families, in the workplace. During this course, we will focus on politics within government. Certain groups (interest groups & political parties)compete for the power to determine who gets the benefits, privileges, or resources of the United States government.
What is government? The preeminent institution within a society. Government has the ultimate authority to decide how conflicts will be resolved and how benefits and privileges will be allocated. Security (order, peace) The Protection of Liberty A Government Must have Authority A Government Must have Legitimacy
What Types of Government Exist? Totalitarian Regime Authoritarianism Aristocracy Theocracy Oligarchy Democracy (Direct or Indirect)
Democracy Direct Democracy A system of government in which political decisions are made by the people directly, rather than by elected officials Ancient Greece Initiative (voters propose) Referendum (legislature refers) Recall (voters can dismiss officials) Founders deeply feared direct democracy. Why? Can the masses be relied upon to educate themselves? Democratic Republic (Indirect Democracy) Republic (Ancient Rome) Based on popular sovereignty, rather than a monarch Democratic Republic: voters elect representatives to make and enforce laws and policies. Representative Democracy: voters elect representatives, but monarchs might be retained for a ceremonial role. Example?
Features of Democracy Universal suffrage Majority Rules, but minority rights must be protected. A constitution that limits the powers of the government
Democratic Theory Majoritarianism: Political theory holding that in a democracy, the government ought to do what the majority of people want. (But this only works if citizens are well informed and participate. Do you think this describes American government?) Elite Theory: Political theory that suggests that society is ruled by a small number of people who exercise power to further their self- interest. Alexander Hamilton believed the upper class should be given “…a distinct, permanent share in the government…” Pluralism: Political Theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups. Political decisions are characterized by bargaining and compromise.
Fundamental Values of the US Government Popular Sovereignty Respect for the Individual (individual controls state, not vice versa) Liberty (Basic guarantees of freedom found in the Bill of Rights) Equality (All people are of equal worth. After FDR- equal opportunity for economic success also becomes important) Capitalism (private ownership, wealth-creating assets, free markets) Equal Opportunity is often in conflict with capitalism; however, the desire to own property among all classes of Americans is so widespread, that radical egalitarian movements have not been widespread in the U.S. [ This makes the Bernie Sanders political campaign very interesting to watch. ]
What processes are present in the U.S. democratic system? Free and fair elections Competing political parties Majority rules, but the minority’s rights are protected Freedom of speech/ expression Right to assemble and protest
Male Suffrage in the US from
Political Ideologies Socialism Liberalism Conservatism Libertarianism
The Four-Cornered Ideological Grid Liberals THE Libertarians POLI- TICAL Economic Liberals, Cultural/Social Conservatives CENTER Conservatives