Case Management
Definition: Case Man-age-ment Case Management, as the framework for Intensive Services is the facilitation and coordination of services at the community level. The purpose of case management is to provide individuals with specific resources to take control of his / her life. It requires the case manager to focus on the long and short term goals an individual has and empower him / her to make educated decisions about their future.
What is a Barrier? Any issue perceived by the client that interferes with them getting and keeping a job.
1. Conduct an assessment interview 2. Develop and maintain a network of services and support 3. Create and implement an IDP 4. Track and monitor an IDP 5. Understanding and awareness of job development and placement issues for individuals with a disability and know when and where to refer them for additional help 6. Bring cases to closure 1. Conduct an assessment interview 2. Develop and maintain a network of services and support 3. Create and implement an IDP 4. Track and monitor an IDP 5. Understanding and awareness of job development and placement issues for individuals with a disability and know when and where to refer them for additional help 6. Bring cases to closure Training Competencies
DVOP Specialist Duties VPL Consistent with WIA Section 134(d)(3)(C), the intensive services category now is clarified to include: Comprehensive assessment of education, skills, and abilities; In–depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and appropriate employment goals; Group and individual career coaching; Short-term pre-vocational services that may include development of learning and communication skills, interviewing skills, personal maintenance skills, and professional conduct to prepare individuals for career goals; and Development of an individual employment plan that identifies employment goals, interim objectives, and appropriate services that will enable the Veteran to meet his or her employment goals.
DVOP VPL Conduct outreach to locate veterans for intensive services such as: (a) VR&E (b) HVRP, IVTP and VWIP grantees (c) VA Medical centers and Vet Centers (d) Homeless Shelters (e) Civic and service organizations (f) Community Stand Downs (g) Military Installations (h) WIA partners (i) State Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Case Management services are: Case Management Case Management VPL Case management is a service delivery strategy Conduct an assessment Develop an employment plan Follow-up IS can be delivered separately from CM
LVER Duties/Employer OutreachLVER Duties/Employer Outreach VPL 07-10VPL LVER staff work with other service providers to promote the advantages of hiring Veterans to employers and employer groups. They market job seeking Veterans as individuals who have highly marketable skills and experience.
Planning and participation in job and career fairs; LVER staff serve as an advocate for Veterans with business, industry, and other community-based organizations by participating in a variety of outreach activities such as: Coordination with unions, apprenticeship programs, and business organizations to promote employment and training programs for Veterans; LVER Duties/Employer Outreach VPL 07-10
LVER staff serve as an advocate for Veterans with business, industry, and other community-based organizations by participating in a variety of outreach activities such as: Promoting credentialing and licensing opportunities for Veterans. Informing Federal Contractors of their responsibility to recruit and retrain qualified Veterans; and LVER Duties/Employer Outreach VPL 07-10
LVER Duties/Individualized Job Development VPL LVER staff should provide services such as the following to improve positive job development referrals: Job search assistance workshops for Veterans Individualized vocational guidance and labor market information Targeted referral to training and supportive services
LVER Duties LVER staff any time that a Veteran requires an intensive service and a DVOP specialist is not available to provide that service, the LVER should provide the intensive service. VPL LVER staff may provide the full range of employment and training services available to Veterans, Transitioning Service Members, and other eligible persons. LVER staff may also conduct other employer outreach activities that support job development and the referral of Veterans to appropriate job openings.
1. Case Management is comprehensive and client centered 2. The case manager and the client are partners 3. There is mutual respect between clients and case managers 4. A client has only one IDP 1. Case Management is comprehensive and client centered 2. The case manager and the client are partners 3. There is mutual respect between clients and case managers 4. A client has only one IDP Nine Key Case Management Concepts
5. Case Management relates the client’s actions to outcomes 6. Case management involves creative problem- solving 7. Case management relies on a network of services and support 8. The case manager and the system are accountable 9. Case management requires partnership at the systems level 5. Case Management relates the client’s actions to outcomes 6. Case management involves creative problem- solving 7. Case management relies on a network of services and support 8. The case manager and the system are accountable 9. Case management requires partnership at the systems level Nine Key Case Management Concepts (Continued)
Helping is a process in which the help giver facilitates growth in the help seeker. It is designed to foster within the help seeker greater self-understanding, and to initiate more effective behavior. Helping is a process in which the help giver facilitates growth in the help seeker. It is designed to foster within the help seeker greater self-understanding, and to initiate more effective behavior.