Congestion Management Work Group Update WMS I Flores, S Reedy—ERCOT M Wagner--PSEG TX
CMWG Met on 7/30/10 Constraint Competitiveness Test (CCT) –Decision Making Entity (DME) List –List of Competitive Constraints CRR Auction Details –Several outstanding issues in ERCOT systems No showstoppers DA Model
Constraint Competitiveness Test – DME List Key Documents Controlling Entity Declaration Form (03/26/10,.doc, 82.5 KB)Controlling Entity Declaration Form Planning and Market Reports - Roadmap to P.U.C. Rule (09/28/09,.doc, 72 KB)Planning and Market Reports - Roadmap to P.U.C. Rule Resource Controlling Entity (07/28/10,.xls, KB)Resource Controlling Entity
Constraint Competitiveness Test – DME List DME list persists as potential issue for CCT IMM attended CMWG and noted that DME list potentially does not reflect common control and decision making for entities ERCOT has done one follow up already—another may be desirable No insight on whether more concentrated DME list could potentially remove constraints on draft CCT list Recommend WMS ask for update from IMM
Constraint Competitiveness Test, ctd. CMWG was to report to WMS in August to with updated CCT list –Behind schedule –No results from LFC testing yet to determine whether competitive constraints seem reasonable
TAC Must Approve Competitive Constraints Protocol Definition “Competitive Constraint” “A contingency and limiting Transmission Element pair that is determined to be competitive by an appropriate TAC subcommittee.” –Requires analysis of nodal cases with congestion on competitive constraints and same load flow case without competitive offers in there to understand difference CCT is making –To meet go live schedule, TAC needs to approve this in Sept. Should NATF take this work on to ensure ERCOT involvement?
Congestion Revenue Rights Auction Working but with a couple of bugs –Outages not transferring smoothly into auction tool-- ERCOT has a work around –Connectivity Nodes (used to transform model from EMS format to CRR format)—a few transformation problems yet to resolve ERCOT responded to questions about recent auction results –Results were explainable due to various items— binding constraints, nonzero impedance between transformers at single location –BOD anticipated to approve go live prior to WMS meeting
Other DAM – to date does not include PCAPs, RAPs, SPS –No consistent process (to date) to incorporate in the DAM –ERCOT is working on the issue