Using the theories of aging in relation to your individual M2 Unit 4
The Perfect Care Home Imagine that you work in the perfect care home and your care home needs a range of activities for the residents to do. Create a timetable and a range of posters to display in the home. You should include: – daytime and evening activities – appropriate physical activities – a range of social activities – time for people to spend alone – opportunities for people to be part of the local community – a chance for people to work if they want to – a brief description of the types of meals you would serve – respect for different cultural and religious backgrounds
The Perfect Care Home Now think about the two theories of aging that we covered: – Disengagement theory – Continuity theory Does one of these theories reflect the way you have planned your care home? Which of these do you feel best describes your own thoughts about getting older? Have you planned a place that will meet the needs of your individual case study as they grow older?
M2 Use the two theories of aging and say how this has/will effect your individual as s/he ages. – How will your individual’s social development be affected? – How will your individual’s physical development be affected?