Treasure Trove Tribune Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Sharpening skills for success! Week 1 Students learned about the im- portant parts of a map: title, legend. Inset map and compass rose. Students also learned the cardinal directions, and how the earth is broken down into smaller regions. Math was a blast with the game, Prime and Composite War. We are crusin along, but most work has been entered as yes or no based on student completion rather than accuracy. Golden Nuggets of Learning Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: 1.Weekly Progress Report *Please sign and return 2.Your student’s graded work from the week 3.ELA Home Connection Page * Please detach and help your child with the skills identified I have reviewed my child’s work and progress report. ___________________________________________________ Parent Signature Student Self Assessment Write (Y) for yes, (A) for Almost and (N) for No ____1. I can identify prime and composite numbers. ____2. I can name a least 3 important parts to a map. ____3. I can name the larger regions of the earth down to the smaller regions PTA needs volunteers for vision screening on 9/11/15, 8:45-11:30. If you can only help for an hour or less that is fine. PTA needs help for walk to school day which is on 9/16 from 8-8:45. PTA needs help with carnival 9/03/15 from 5-7:30. Name______________#___
Reading Rendezvous Students will earn pelts to trade for goodies: Students are required to read one of the following genres by Sept. 11 th : Fairy Tale, Folk Tale, or Pour quoi. 3 pelts will be given for reading the required genre and completing a time line of at least 5 major event within the story, and documenting reading in keynote. 2 pelts for completing any of the 2 mentioned criteria. 1 pelt for completing any one of those items 1 pelt will be given for any additional reading of a “good fit book” of choice, and documenting within keynote Each term will end with a Reading Rendezvous. During the term, students will be given a genre of book to read within a 2 to 3 week period. When students complete a book they will complete a project and document their book. Students will document their reading by taking a selfie with the book and taking a photo of the project, using the i-pad application “keynote presentations” *Example of Student Documentation of reading Students drew self-portraits, do you recognize your student? Super Doodles
Dear Family Member: Week 2 our class will be focusing on how the actions of one person can affect other people. We will also be discussing the concept of respect and how it is our responsibility to respect other people’s rights. Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ve been practicing. Word Workout Words to Know: idioms In this activity, your child will give the meaning of each word and then use each word in a sentence Spelling/Phonics: long a You will help your child sort words based on the spelling of the long a vowel sound. Comprehension: problem and solution Two people may have different reactions to the same situation. You and your child read each story. Then have your child write a short paragraph with a different ending that shows a different way to approach the problem.
Practice Using your spelling words in a sentence. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________