Welcome to High School West
HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE Grade 9 Freshmen Orientation (The Foundation/Transition Year) Join clubs, sports, organizations and/or volunteer your time in the community SAT II for H Biology students Naviance Learning Style Inventory Grade 10 Naviance Career Exploration Phase “Do What You Are” Pick electives to compliment areas of potential career interest Honors level and AP level students are encouraged to take SAT II Exams Grade 11 Post Secondary Conference in the Spring (How & Where to Apply?, Safety, Target & Reach) GPA sent to colleges is determined at the end of the junior year PSAT in October; SAT I, SAT II, ACT Exam, AP Exams Wilson Tech Program Option Junior Orientation and Naviance Program Groups (Start of college searches) Induction into National Honor Society (Requirements) Grade 12 This year is the culmination of a successful four year experience. What are the next steps? 4 year college? 2 Year College? Vocational School/Training? Work? Military? Goal Finding the “Right Fit in the College Process and Avoiding Senioritis Senior Orientation is focused on completing the last steps in the application process Senior Year Experience or Wilson Tech Options
SAMPLE CANDLEWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE OFFERINGS - SCHOOL YEAR GRADE 9 - HALF HOLLOW HILLS - HIGH SCHOOL WEST Period 1 English Honors English 9 Regents English 9 Reading and Writing Strategies I (A/B) Period 2 Social Studies Honors Global History/Geography I Regents Global History/Geography I Regents Global History /Geography I - AIS Period 3 Math Honors Geometry Regents Algebra Regents Algebra/Lab Period 4 Science Biology Honors/Lab Earth Science/Lab Foundations of Biology LEAPES Liv Env/AP Earth Science Period 5 Physical Education/Science Lab Period 6 Foreign Language Honors French IIRegents French 9Mastery Chinese Honors Italian IIRegents Italian 9 Honors Spanish IIRegents Spanish 9 Introduction to SpanishAmerican Sign Language Period 7 Lunch (Y) Lunch (A/B Fall) Lunch (Fall)Lunch (Spring) (A/B Spring) Period 8 Art or Music Choice Period 9 Elective 1st Choice Elective backup Total Periods
What is Weighting? Weighting is the extra points given to the ‘true’ or un- weighted average because a student has taken additionally difficult courses. AP=.5 Honors=.3 Regents =.1 So if a student has a 90 un-weighted average: » Weighted average In AP :100 ( the top grade possible)- 90=10 x.5 = 5 weighted points = 95 In Honors: = 10 x.3 = 3 weighted points added = 93 In Regents: 100 – 90 = 10 x.1 = 1 weighted point added = 91
How colleges choose you… High school academic record (GPA & Courses) Improvement from year to year Standardized test scores (ACT & SAT) Letters of recommendation Extracurricular activities School/Community service Special talent Personal interview/Essay The college’s agenda
Teacher Evaluation
Student Resume of School/Community Activities/Awards -Honors and Awards -School Related Activities -Non School Related Activities -Athletics -Volunteer/Community Service -Educational Enrichment/Summer -Employment -Special Interests
NCAA All Division I and II athletes must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse It’s important you communicate interests in athletics to your high school counselor to work together with the NCAA Clearinghouse Start your athletic resume
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