Dural AVF 52 year old right-handed gentleman with 3 month history of worsening unsteadiness. ROS significant for left pulsatile tinnitus over past 2 years. Neurologic exam significant for diminished tandem gait. Otherwise, non-contributory. HEENT: Left retroauricular bruit. Imaging: –Head CT negative –MRI-- retrospectively suggestive of left transverse sinus DAVF
Shunt further explored by microcatheter angiographies of the left occipital and middle meningeal arteries
Venous access
Placement of Stent Across Venous Sinus Stenosis
Balloon Inflation Across Shunt Site
NBCA Embolization
Post-embolization LECA Angiography
Post-embolization LICA Angiography
Post-embolization LICA- Sparing The Left Transverse Sinus
Post-embolization LCCA Angiography
Post-embolization LVA ANGIOGRAPHY