No Child Left Behind Impact on Gwinnett County Public Schools’ Students and Schools
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Signed into law, January 2002 Reauthorizes Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965
Major Provisions All children achieve to high standards Accountability for results State and local flexibility Focus on what works: scientifically based research Public school choice
Title I: Standards and Assessment Founded on 1994 Improving America Schools Act which: Assessed reading and mathematics annually at each school level Aligned with state content standards Included multiple measures, higher order thinking skills Assessed all students with accommodations, as needed Produced aggregated results
NCLB - Standards and Assessment Requires content and performance standards that define the knowledge and skills expected for all students in the grade or high school level Adds assessments at each grade level, 3-8 in reading/language arts and mathematics and once in high school Adds science assessments at each of three school levels (3-5, 6-9, 10-12) Requires assessment scores (cut scores) that differentiate among 2 levels of high achievement and one of lower achievement
“All students” means All public school students including students who are: Enrolled in the regular instructional program Identified as students with disabilities with reasonable accommodations (IDEA or 504) Identified as students with disabilities whose IEP team determines they cannot participate in a regular assessment and must have an alternate BUT ………………
“All students” means Students whose IEP team determines that s/he cannot participate in a regular assessment but the alternate assessment must provide results in at least reading/language arts, mathematics and science. And……….
“All students” means Limited English proficient students: With reasonable accommodations Who cannot be waivered or deferred To the extent practicable, who will be assessed in the language and form likely to yield accurate and reliable information Who will be assessed in English language proficiency each year
“All students” means Migrant children Mobile children, and Homeless children
State assessment systems must: Address the breadth and depth of the State’s academic content standards Be valid, reliable and of high technical quality Express student results in terms of achievement of state standards Be coherent across grades and subjects Be criterion- referenced or augmented norm-referenced that yield results on performance against state standards
Assessment results must: Be reported each year Be disaggregated by gender, racial and ethnic groups, English proficiency, migrant status, students with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged Include 95% of each group Provide itemized score analysis
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Has yet to be defined (May 2002 draft rules) Includes assessment results that may be averaged over 3 years and across grades Requires inclusion of progress of all subgroups if the number in the subgroup yields statistically reliable information
Adequate Yearly Progress Needs to bring all students to proficient within 12 years Must include one other non-assessment indicator that may include more schools in improvement, but not reduce assessment criteria Provides transition year for schools currently designated for improvement for an additional year
Schools who do not make AYP After 2 years is identified as “school improvement” Another year without AYP, 2 nd year of school improvement Corrective Action, 3 rd year Restructuring, 4 th year Requires technical assistance, school choice Requires technical assistance, school choice and supplemental services Principal and some staff may be replaced, extend school day or year All staff may be replaced and/or state takes over
Intended Results All students proficient in reading/language arts, mathematics and science, AND No child left behind