Proposed Research Topic Analyze the reason why there are few people who take Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) in Kaohsiung
Purposes Analyze the relations between behavioral intentions, service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction Explore what factors affect their behavioral intentions (e.g. service, safety and quality)
Background In Taiwan, there are two MRT in Taipei and Kaohsiung Ministry Of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) statistics: In 2009, passenger trips: - Taipei MRT totaled million - Kaohsiung MRT totaled million
Scope Questionnaire Object: people who have taken Kaohsiung MRT During the winter vacation Hand out 150 questionnaires Expect to withdraw 100 questionnaires By random sampling
Theoretical framework Sumaedi, Bakti and Yarmen’s (2011) - relationship between behavioral intentions and other factors Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) - assume factors have a positive effect on behavioral intention
Definition Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Natasha K. and Shenyang G. (2011) - SEM as an “umbrella” - multivariate statistical approaches - empirical data, conventional, developed approaches Theoretical framework
Definition of Behavioral Intention (BI) Fishbein, M. and Ajzen, I.(1975) - Two factors: 1. His attitude toward the behavior 2. His subjective norm Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) - prediction of attitude & BI Theoretical framework
Service Quality Rust, R, Oliver, R. (1994) “Service Quality presents the latest research and theory in customer satisfaction and services marketing.” Definition of perceived value Dodds, B. (2003) “Perceived value is a function of the perceptions of quality, customer, service, and price.” Definition of customer satisfaction Cochran, C. (2003) Customer satisfaction can nearly mean everything Theoretical framework
Method Conduct a literature review on behavioral intention, service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Hand out questionnaires by random sampling - hand out 150 & withdraw 100 Content will divide into four main parts: - Behavioral intentions (The important degree of service quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction) - Service quality (e.g. attendant’s attitude, shuttle service) - Perceived value (e.g. price, convenience, security, facilities) - Customer satisfaction (The satisfied degree of Kaohsiung MRT) Undertake passengers’ behavioural intentions analysis of the questionnaires, guided by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Limitations Questionnaire by random sampling instead of whole passengers’ opinion Time limitations - number of questionnaires insufficient to reflect the entirety
References 1.Cochran, C. (2003), Customer Satisfaction: Tools, Techniques, And Formulas For Success, VIBA. 2.Dodds, B. (2003), Managing Customer Value: Essentials of Product Quality, Customer Service, University Press of America 3.Fouracer P., Dunkerley C. and Gardner G. (2002), Mass rapid transit systems for cities in the developing world, Taylor & Francis Publishing, p Fishbein, M., and Ajzen, I.(1975), Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 5.Ministry Of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) Nwadel, A. (2003), The Relationship Between Perceived Values Congruence and Organizational Commitment In A Multinational Organization, CoreIDRAW. 7.Natasha K. and Shenyang G. (2011), Structural Equation Modeling, Oxford University Press 8.Rust, R, Oliver, R. (1994), Service Quality: New Directions in Theory and Practice, Sage Publications, p Sumaedi, S., Bakti, I. and Yarmen, Y. (2011) The empirical study of public transport passengers’ behavioral intentions: the roles of service qualiry, perceived sacrifice, perceived value, and satisfaction. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2012, 2(1): 83 – Figure 1, Sumaedi, S., Bakti, I. and Yarmen, Y. (2011), International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2012, 2(1): Figure 2, Fishbein, M.,& Ajzen, I.(1975), Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.