Keyboarding Vocabulary II Finals Study Guide Basic Computer
Keyboarding Vocabulary II Backup copy Backup copy A second copy or duplicate of a document or program that is written on a disk or CD
Keyboarding Vocabulary II Bold Bold letters shown thicker and darker
Keyboarding Vocabulary II centering centering Placing text in the middle of a line with equal space on both sides
Keyboarding Vocabulary II cursor cursor A blinking box or law in on the screen that shows for the next letter, number, or space will be placed
Keyboarding Vocabulary II double space double space To press the enter key twice to create one blank line between each line of text
Keyboarding Vocabulary II Format Format The arrangement, placement, and spacing of the text and pictures within a document
Keyboarding Vocabulary II Header/footer Header/footer Information typed into the top/bottom margin of the sheet of paper such as the title of the document, page number, or date
Keyboarding Vocabulary II margin margin The part of the page outside the main body of text; includes the right, left, top, and bottom of the document
Keyboarding Vocabulary II printer printer A machine attached to a computer that can print a paper copy
Keyboarding Vocabulary II Single space Single space To press the enter key ones so there are no blank lines between lines of text