Excusing Certain Types of Sins (2)
Comfort Doctrine: A teaching that gives false spiritual comfort to one who does not want to be held accountable for sinful activity.
Excusing certain types of sins Sins of ignorance Sins of weakness “As long as we are sincere, our sins are covered.” Such reasoning can lead to sinful conduct that is tolerated or ignored
Sins of Weakness & Is Sincerity enough?
Sins of Weakness Such deals with our nature “I can’t help it. I was born that way.” How far will we take this? Alcoholism, addictions, lust, sexual sins, sloth, anger, etc. Everyone has a weakness of some sort!
The Bible and Weakness Numbers 20 – Moses at Kadesh, in a moment of weakness disobeyed God David, committed a series of sins including killing an innocent man, adultery, etc. Why? He gave into a natural desire!
The Bible and Weakness Luke 26:41 – “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” James 1:12-15 – concerning sin and temptation. What produces sin? DESIRE!
Concerning Weakness The problem with such arguments is that it gives one a crutch to lean on instead of dealing with our weaknesses and overcoming them. Often, weakness is the product of persistent disobedience. Heb. 3:13 – hardened through the deceitfulness of sin
Concerning Weakness Will God overlook our present weaknesses when they are the product of our own rebellious attitudes? Gal. 6:7-8
Concerning Weakness Will God overlook our present weaknesses when they are the product of our own rebellious attitudes? Gal. 6:7-8
Concerning Weakness It is really an issue of self- control WE do what we want to do! 2 Pet. 1:6, Gal. 5:23 Weaknesses are real – Rom. 7:18-25, Gal. 5:16-17
Concerning Weakness We CAN overcome! Matt. 5:29-30 1 Cor. 9:25-27 2 Cor. 12:9-10 Rom. 6:17-19
Concerning Weakness EVERY sin could be described as a product of weakness. Don’t let weakness become a crutch! Don’t excuse sinful conduct!
Is Sincerity enough?
About sincerity Some reason, “I am trying to do the right thing. God knows my heart and that I am sincere. Therefore He will save me.”
About sincerity Sincerity is important and necessary! Phil. 1:9-11 1 Pet. 1:22-23 Where sincerity is lacking, sin is not far behind!
Is sincerity enough? Examples of sincerity: Gen 16:3-4 - Abraham tried to help God Gen. 22:33-36 – Jacob believed Joseph was dead 2 Sam. 6:6-8 – Uzzah & the Ark
Is sincerity enough? Examples of sincerity: Acts 23:1, 26:9- Paul believed he was doing right Acts 10:1-4 – Cornelius was a just man and sincere in his efforts.
Is sincerity enough? The Bible & Sincerity: Prov. 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Matt. 7:21-23 1 John 3:18 2 Cor. 10:12, 18
Is sincerity enough? The problem with sincerity (only) Sincerity is NEVER a guarantee that one is right! It disregards God’s standard Cf. Rom. 10:1-3