CERN, 27-Mar EuCARD NCLinac Task /3/2009
Task 5. Drive Beam Phase Control Design, build and test a low-impedance RF beam phase monitor with a resolution of 20 fs Design, build and test an electro-optical phase monitor with a resolution of 20 fs Task 5. Drive Beam Phase Control Very precise synchronization between main and drive beams is required in CLIC to avoid excessive luminosity loss due to energy variations. For this reason drive beam phase errors should be reduced by a phase feedback system within about 0.1 degrees (23 12 GHz). The front end of this feedback system will consist of a monitor able to detect the longitudinal position of the bunches with a resolution of the order of 20 fs. The coupling impedance of the monitor has to be very low due to the high beam current. RF noise and wake fields in the beam pipe must not affect the measurement and have to be rejected by proper designed filters. This device will find applications in other machines where precise high frequency beam phase detection is required. Two possible solutions will be investigated at the same time. A low impedance RF phase monitor with an integrated noise filter will be designed and built by CERN and INFN. It will be tested in CTF3 where it will also play an important diagnostic role in the optimization of the machine performances. An electro-optical monitor using periodic train of laser pulses to sample signal from wide bandwidth beam pickup will be developed and built by PSI and will be tested at the existing facilities at PSI. Sub-task 1: CERN will determine the specifications and will produce a conceptual design report of the RF monitor. CERN and INFN will attend together to the electromagnetic design and then they will produce a building design of the monitor. CERN will develop and realize the related electronics. INFN will build prototypes of the monitor that will be measured and tested in lab. A final version of the monitor will be built and the performances of the system will be tested in CTF3. Sub-task 2: The electro-optical monitor will be designed by PSI. PSI will implement prototypes of the system, which includes pick-up, laser, electro optical detector and electronics. The performances of the system will be tested in the existing facilities at PSI. EuCARD NCLinac Task /3/2009
EuCARD NCLinac Task DeliverableDescription/titleNatureDelivery month 9.5.1RF phase monitor final reportRM Electro optical monitor final reportRM48 MilestoneDescription/titleNatureDelivery month Comment 9.5.1RF phase monitor prototype finishedPM36Prototype ready for test 9.5.2Electro optical monitor prototype finishedPM40Prototype ready for test
27/3/2009EuCARD NCLinac Task EuCARD - WP9 NCLinac - Task 9.5: DB Phase Beneficiary short name ª Average direct monthly salary * (€) Rate for personnel indirect costs (%) Rate for material and travel indirect costs (%) LNF 6,200 €60 CERN 6,200 €60 PSI 14,300 €20 PSI 10,100 €20 Beneficiary short name (all costs in €)Person- Months Personnel direct costs Personnel indirect costs Consumable and prototype direct costs Travel direct costs Material and travel indirect costs Total direct costs Toal indirect costs Total costs (direct +indirect) EC requested funding¹ LNF30186,000111,60031,3004,50021,480221,800133,080354,880111,500 CERN1699,20059,52062,700 37,620161,90097,140259,04069,229 PSI571,50014,300107,5002,70022,040181,70036,340218,04064,000 PSI10101,00020,200 2, ,70020,740124,44039,000 … … … … Totals:61457,700205,620201,5009,90081,680669,100287,300956,400283,729
27/3/2009EuCARD NCLinac Task 9.5 5