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Neolithic People Farmers
Neolithic Paleolithic was the “old stone age” Neo = “new” Lithic = “stone” Neolithic is the “new stone age”
Language Grunts, gestures, signals Also, “baby talk”, pictographs, petroglyphs
Clothing Animal skins Wool, sewn hides, leather
Government Society: Organized group working under a set of rules and traditions More people Leaders
Food Agriculture: farming Surplus: extra amounts Domestication : to tame living things for peoples use Livestock : animals Planting crops: Wheat, Barley
Shelter Year round settlements Permanent homes Built walls to protect
Resources Wool: from sheep Leather: from cattle Cotton: domesticated plants Spears Bones
Technology Berries used as paint Wool, leather, cotton for clothing Pictographs: pictures painted to represent words as communication
Religion Connected to nature If good things happened, they believed the gods were pleased. If bad things happened, they believed the gods were angry with them.
Occupations Division of labor/ specialization: different people doing different jobs