3º ESO Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Vocabulary The flower game Instructions 1.You will have a paper flower. 2.You will write a word related to ‘films’. 3.You will give the paper to your classmate. 4.Let’s repeat that movement six times. Let’s write on the board those words related to ‘films’ that you already know Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Vocabulary Some piccies director Stuntman/woman Stunt Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Vocabulary Some piccies Film star Script Star in a film Special effects Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Vocabulary Some piccies Producer Plot Soundtrack Win an award Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Vocabulary Some piccies Release a film Film a scene Screen Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 The pinwheel Types of films Action film Adventure film Animated film Action film Adventure film Animated film Cartoons Comedy Documentary film Cartoons Comedy Documentary film Drama Horror film Love story Drama Horror film Love story Thriller War film Western Thriller War film Western Musical Romantic comedy Science fiction film Musical Romantic comedy Science fiction film Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Future Our sentences… are ‘future’ Reading Let’s have a look to our sentences. They all must be in future. We can use ‘will’, ‘be going to’ or ‘present continuous’. Let’s make groups depending on... General prediction Decision made at the time of speaking Offer Prediction based on evidence Plan or intention Near future Arrangements Will Be going to Pres. Continuous Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Future Future forms Reading + Subject +WILL + verb (infinitive) - Subject +WILL NOT (won’t) + verb (infinitive) ? WILL + Subject + verb (infinitive)? Sarah will throw a party. + Subject +be (according to the subject) + going to + verb (infinitive) - Subject +be (negative, AS) + going to + verb (infinitive) ? Be (AS) + Subject + going to + verb (infinitive)? Sarah is going to throw a party next week. Will Be going to + Subject +be (according to the subject) + verb-ing - Subject +be (negative, AS) + verb-ing ? Be (AS) + Subject + verb-ing? Sarah is throwing a party tomorrow. Present continuous Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Asking for and giving opinions I think… NameContribution Samuel/EugenioAs far as I’m concerned… SarayI think that… María /RosarioTo be honest, I believe that… Daniel BonhomoI would like to say that… AdelaidaTo my mind… Jose / MiriamI must say that… Daniel de los R.From my point of view… LorenaI would like to support (somebody) in what he says Miriam / AnabelI strongly believe that… JerónimoAs much as I do agree with you about.., I still feel.. Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 First conditional Real possibility If … Activities correction Review
Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 First conditional Real possibility (Rules: page 93) If your parents allow you, you will travel to Portugal. You will travel to Portugal if your parents allow you. If + Subject + Verb (Pres. Simple), Subject + Will + Verb (inf.) Subject + Will + Verb (inf.) + If + Subject + Verb (Pres. Simple) Activities correction Review
Suffixes Let’s add –ion or -ment! Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 VerboVerbNounsSustantivos SugerirSuggestSuggestionSugerencia PredecirPredictPredictionPredicción EducarEducateEducationEducación PoseerPossessPossessionPosesión DecorarDecorateDecorationDecoración ConectarConnectConnectionConexión InformarInformInformationInformación CompetirCompeteCompetitionCompetición -ion Activities correction Review
Suffixes Let’s add –ion or -ment! Activities correction Lesson Plan Tuesday, 24 th April 2012 Review VerboVerbNounsSustantivos DesarrollarDevelopDevelopmentDesarrollo EquiparEquipEquipmentEquipo AnunciarAdvertiseAdvertisementAnuncio DisfrutarEnjoyEnjoymentPlacer, disfrute DiscutirArgueArgumentDiscusión, pelea EntusiasmarExciteExcitementEntusiasmo -ment