Superintendent Search Staff Survey Results
Questions Number of surveys sent: 4,200 (approximate) Number or responses: 533 What do you feel is the most appropriate educational background for candidates for superintendent? What are the most essential prior work experiences for a superintendent? What are the most important skills a superintendent should possess? What is the optimal attitude/disposition that a superintendent should have?
What do you feel is the most appropriate educational background for candidates for superintendent?
WordOccurrencesFrequencyRank education1878.3%1 masters1114.9%2 experience1054.7%3 doctorate1014.5%4 classroom673%5 superintendent662.9%6 educational592.6%7 teaching542.4%8 district512.3%9 teacher411.8%10
What are the most essential prior work experiences for a superintendent?
WordOccurrencesFrequencyRank experience2598.6%1 classroom1936.4%2 teacher1775.9%3 district1354.5%4 superintendent1083.6%5 principal993.3%6 teaching973.2%7 education541.8%8 administrator531.8%8 someone491.6%9
What are the most important skills a superintendent should possess?
WordOccurrencesFrequencyRank ability1433.7%1 communication1383.6%2 district1253.3%3 teachers1012.6%4 students872.3%5 superintendent782%6 leadership661.7%7 community481.3%8 someone481.3%8 listening431.1%9
What is the optimal attitude/disposition that a superintendent should have?
WordOccurrencesFrequencyRank teachers1414.1%1 students1243.6%2 district1223.5%3 positive952.8%4 someone842.4%5 superintendent782.3%6 attitude561.6%7 willing521.5%8 approachable421.2%9 schools381.1%10
Conclusions What do you feel is the most appropriate educational background for candidates for superintendent? Educational Specialist (Superintendency) Master’s Degree (preferred) Doctorate (preferred) What are the most essential prior work experiences for a superintendent? Classroom Teacher Principal Superintendent What are the most important skills a superintendent should possess? Understanding of teaching/teachers Communication Superintendent Leadership What is the optimal attitude/disposition that a superintendent should have? Understanding of teachers and teaching Understanding of student needs Understanding of district operations