Foundations of Excellence SHARING THE InFOE
PowerPoint Overview Survey Overview Faculty/Staff Survey Who Responded Dimension Results Student Survey Who Responded Dimension Results Overall Evaluation Results Conclusions We are going from Good to Excellent We face challenges What we are doing is working
Survey Overview The Foe Surveys are a Comprehensive Assessment Two Sources of Information 1.Faculty/Staff 2.Students Focus on Two Student Groups – 1.First-year students 2.Transfer Students 9 Dimensions 1.Philosophy -- 2.Organization – 3.Learning 4.Campus Culture – 5.Transitions – 6.All Students – 7.Diversity – 8.Roles and Purposes – 9.Improvement –
Faculty/Staff Survey Faculty/Staff: Who Responded Responded (60% - response rate*) 328 Faculty Member (74%) [37% FT, 63% PT] 27 Administrator (6%) 66 Staff (15%) 24 Clerical, Service (5%)
To what degree…1 st Yr. First-year: Philosophy Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 73% 39% 45% is a formalized institutional philosophy for working with new students valuable has an institutional philosophy for working with new students been communicated to you has a department/unit philosophy for working with new students been communicated to you Faculty/Staff Results
To what degree…1 st Yr.TR Transfer: Philosophy Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 73% 39% 45% is a commonly held philosophy related to the preparation of transfer- bound students valuable has an institutional philosophy related to the preparation of transfer- bound students been communicated to you has a unit-level philosophy related to the preparation of transfer- bound students been communicated to you Faculty/Staff Results 61% 26% 33% We face challenges, especially in the transfer area.
Based on your understanding of this institution's organizational structure, to what degree… 1 st Yr. First-year: Organization Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 42% 85% 65% has this institution effectively organized collaborations between academic and student services can you correctly refer students regarding help with coursework can you correctly refer students regarding help with personal issues (money management, family matters, etc.) Faculty/Staff Results
Based on your understanding of this institution's organizational structure, to what degree…TR Transfer: Organization Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale does your college's organizational structure facilitate effective support for transfer-bound students? can you correctly refer students to the college resource regarding questions about choosing the best institution for transfer? can you correctly refer students to the college resource regarding questions about course/program articulation? Faculty/Staff Results 46% 48% 43%
To what degree…1 st Yr. First-year: Transitions Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 61% 55% 67% does this institution communicate to new students the importance of academic honesty does this institution communicate to new students the importance of ethical conduct does this institution assure that all new students experience academic support outside the classroom Faculty/Staff Results
To what degree… TR Transfer: Transitions Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale does your college encourage students to explore transfer opportunities? does your college collaborate with receiving institutions to provide your students access to information on academic requirements for transfer? does your college encourage you to mentor transfer-bound students? Faculty/Staff Results 60% 48% 29%
To what degree…1 st Yr. First-year: Campus Culture Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 69% 73% 66% is faculty involvement with new students considered important by institution leaders is faculty involvement with new students considered important by your department/unit leader is faculty involvement with new students considered important by your colleagues Faculty/Staff Results
To what degree… TR Transfer: Campus Culture Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale is your college committed to increasing the number of students who transfer to a four-year institution? Does your college support and encourage student transfer? are you aware of the academic needs of transfer-bound students? Faculty/Staff Results 74% 75% 45%
Student Survey
Students: Who Responded - 1,424 Responded Overall (12% - response rate) 545 First-year Student (38%) 963 Female (69%), 437 Male (31%) 875 White (61%) 317 Hispanic (22%) 111 Black (8%) 50 Asian (4%) 955 Planning to Transfer (68%)
To what degree do you understand how this college is organized so that you know where to go if you … 1 st Yr. First-year: Organization Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 61% 55% 69% have an administrative question (e.g., financial aid, registration, tuition payments)? have a question about academic rules (e.g., withdrawal, academic probation)? need help with your coursework (tutoring, academic support) Student Results
To what degree do you understand how this college is organized so that you know where to go if you … NoYes First-year: Organization Dimension (Took Orientation) Looking at the effects of New Student Orientation on students organizational knowledge responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 56% 51% 68% have an administrative question (e.g., financial aid, registration, tuition payments)? have a question about academic rules (e.g., withdrawal, academic probation)? need help with your coursework (tutoring, academic support) Student Results 64% 57% 69% Orientation New Student Orientation is helping students.
To what degree do you understand how this college is organized so that you know where to go if you …TR Transfer: Organization Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale need help with your coursework (tutoring, academic support) have a question about the transfer process? have a question about how courses and credits will transfer? 69% 46% 47% Student Results
Making Connections - As a new student, to what degree has this college … 1 st Yr. First-year: Transitions Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 40% 38% 65% connected you with other new students? connected you with faculty members outside of class? connected you with academic support outside the classroom (e.g., tutoring, advising)? Student Results
As a transfer-bound student, to what degree has this college …TR Transfer: Transitions Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale connected you with representatives of the institution to which you are planning to transfer? connected you to other students who are planning to transfer? academic advisor: Informed you about institutions you might consider for transfer? 25% 37% Student Results
To what degree…1 st Yr. First-year: Learning Dimension responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 82% 69% 79% has this instructor helped you learn the course material? does the instructor provide individual attention? does the instructor use effective teaching methods? Student Results
To what degree…1 st Yr. First-year: Overall Evaluation responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 54% 67% 70% has this college provided you the right amount of attention and support? has this college helped you succeed as a student? is this college committed to the success of new students? Student Results
Rate the overall value Good to Excellent Overall Evaluation: First-year and Transfer Students responses of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale 79% 56% First-year Students: Comparing the cost of attending this college to the quality of the educational experience, please rate the overall value of the experience Potential Transfer Students: Overall, to what degree: Do you feel that this college is giving you the support you need to transfer to another college or university? Student Results
Overall Evaluation: First-year Student Results Comparing the cost of attending this college to the quality of the educational experience, please rate the overall value of the experience Excellent 42% Good 37% Neutral 17% Poor 4% Very Poor 0% Good > Great
Overall Evaluation: Transfer Students Student Results Overall, to what degree: Do you feel that this college is giving you the support you need to transfer to another college or university? Very High 33% High 23% Moderately 24% Slightly 11% Not at all 8% Challenge
Summary Importantly, the Learning Dimension had some of the highest scores 82% of first-year students reported that the instructor helped them learn the course material 79% reported that the instructor used effective teaching methods 79% of first-year students give LSC-Montgomery an overall rating of good or excellent 56% of potential transfer students rate the transfer support received from LSC-Montgomery as high or very high Students Results Summary
Conclusions LSC-Montgomery is poised to go from Good to Excellent – 4 out of 5 students give LSC-Montgomery an overall rating of either Good or Excellent We have more work to do – especially in the transfer area What we have done so far is working (e.g., New Student Orientation) Students Results Conclusions
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