Facilities Study Committee September 20, 2011
Meeting 1 Agenda Introductions Committee Makeup Parents Staff Community Members Goal Process Middle School Tour
Introductions Name How you are connected or have been connected to the School District.
Goal To study the Pre K – 8 th grade buildings and determine if the District is effectively and cost efficiently providing the environment for instruction and if not, then create solutions that can make the District cost efficient and academically effective.
First Steps Hire 3 rd party architectural firm Plunkett Raysich (selected from 4 firms) Will provide a comprehensive analysis No guarantee of future work resulting from study Assemble Facilities Study Committee Mix of staff, parents and other community members.
Next Steps Tours Existing Facilities Survey Educational Space Program Review of Options Concept Development Site Utilization Project Costs / Schedules
Existing Facilities Committee Meetings 1: Sept. 20 (Introduction / MS Tour) 2: Sept. 29 (Elementary Tours) 3: Oct. 4 (Overall Review of Report/Survey) Report on Existing Facilities Staff Survey
Educational Space Program Committee Meetings 4: Oct. 13 Classroom Utilization Enrollments Future Space Requirements
Review Options Committee Meetings 5: Oct. 18 6: Oct. 25 7: Nov. 3 Generate Options Review Options Select Options
Concept Development Committee Meetings 8: Nov 17 Review Concepts 9: Dec 1 Review Site Utilization 10: Dec 7 Final Review of Solutions