Ohio University Vernon R. Alden Library Strategic Planning From Idea to Vision May 2013
Strategic Planning 2006 Strategic Plan --22 pages --7 sections goals --78 objectives 50% achieved
Strategic Planning 2012 Strategy Map 4 quartiles 12 Strategic statements 28 Measures
Achievements & Challenges Measure 1.1: Increase available seating after midnight Sun – Thurs by 10% – Getting There – Students will return in the fall to more seats on the 2 nd floor (still need additional 30 seats to meet this goal)
Achievements & Challenges Measure 2.2: Increase the use of Mahn Center materials by students, faculty and staff by 20% – Challenge: tracking use – The Mahn Center staff have implemented new procedures to improve the tracking of use (Spring semester numbers will establish baseline)
Achievements & Challenges Measure 3.1: Increase the number of classes where students are interacting with our unique materials to produce a publicly available product by 30% – Problematic – So far, count for baseline is “0;” Many discussions about why publicly available and why only unique collections; probably need to revise/replace measure
Achievements & Challenges Measure 3.2: Increase the percent of our course-based library instruction sessions at or above the 200/2000 level to 65% of all course- based instruction. – Achieved! – 52% of AY course-based instruction was at the 200+ level – 72% of Fall ‘12 was at or above the 2000 level.
Achievements & Challenges Measure 4.1: Increase patron satisfaction with chat services to 90% – Achieved! – Spring ‘13 patron survey shows satisfaction rate of 96%
Achievements & Challenges Measure 6.1: Increase the number of faculty relationships by 12/year for each subject librarian – Problematic – Analysis of 2012 Statement of Accomplishments documents will test this measure
Achievements & Challenges Measure 6.2 Increase the number of course- related LibGuides by 25% – Achieved! – AY had 31 course guides; AY had 63 before the end of Spring (200% increase)
Achievements & Challenges Measure 10.1 Increase the number of staff expressing satisfaction/agreement in the Performance Management system by 20%. – Progress made – Baseline established through staff survey – 16% satisfied or very satisfied with current system
Achievements & Challenges Measure 11.1: Increase the number of grants submitted …, counting letters of support in the Deans office – Problematic – Are we measuring the correct thing? Some grant applications may not need letter from the Dean’s office.
Achievements & Challenges Measure 12.3: Number of strategic measures met (85% is the target, by 2015) – Progress made – 9.3% of targets achieved (FY 13)