Unit 2 Project Mind the gap. What does the title mean? Gap means the gap year Mind means “make full use of” Mind the gap means “make full use of the gap.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Project Mind the gap

What does the title mean? Gap means the gap year Mind means “make full use of” Mind the gap means “make full use of the gap year”. When you take a subway, the warning “mind the gap” reminds you not to fall into the gap. A gap year is a year without study between leaving school and going to university.

If you had the chance to take a year off between leaving school and going to university, what would you do? Do you think this would help you get a better job once you finished your studies?

Fast-reading. 1.How many people have taken a gap year in the passage?( ≤ 2 words) 2.Does the writer have a positive or negative attitude towards taking a gap year?( ≤6 words)

Fast-reading 1.How many people have taken a gap year in the passage? 2.Does the writer have a positive or negative attitude towards taking a gap year? Three people. The writer takes a positive attitude.

Careful-reading( Page 53 考一本 ) 1.Who 2.Activities 3.Brazil 4.protectiong the rainforest 5.Daniel Jones6.countryside 7.Challenging but worthwhile 8.helping 9.Difficult situations 10.A special experience

According to the article, what are the advantages of taking a gap year? gives young people an opportunity to learn skills and gain life experience helps young people develop and grow teaches students how to look after themselves and how to work with a group of strangers without the help of family or friends makes students more capable of working independently and working well with colleagues from different backgrounds

Important phrases 1. 休学一年 2. 传统上 3. 直接读大学 4. 参加工作 5. 慢慢攀登事业的高峰 take a gap year by tradition go straight to university join the world of work begin the slow climb up the career ladder

6. 奔赴至四面八方 7. 长达一年 8. 上大学 9. 不只是 / 只是 10. 为某人提供什么 travel to every point of the compass up to a year enter university more than/little more than provide sth. for sb./provide sb. with sth. supply sth. to sb./supply sb. with sth. offer sb. sth./offer sth. to sb.

11. 休学一年 12. 给某人做某事的机会 13. 获得生活经验 14. 我感觉我真的起了作用, 帮助保护 了雨林. take a year off give sb. An opportunity to do sth. gain life experience I feel like I’ve really made a difference and helped protect the rainforest.

15. 具有挑战性但很值得 16. 按一下电灯开关 17. 面对挑战 18. 应对困难的处境 19. 收割庄稼 ge challenging but worthwhile hit a light switch face the challenge deal with difficult situations harvest the crops

20. 学术资格证明 21. 倾向于做某事 22. 现在人们普遍认为休学实践年远 远不止是一年不学习. academic qualifications tend to do sth. It is now _________that a gap year is ____ _____ just a year away from studying. accepted morethan

23. 从不同的角度看待生活 24. 充满动力 25. 休学实践年既可以让学生享有一段美好 的时光和交到新朋友, 也给了学生在就业市 场上的优势. _____ _____ ______ having a good time and making new friends, taking a gap year may ______ students _____ ______ in the job market. see life in a different way/ see things from a different angle have much motivation Aswellas give anedge

相关知识拓展 1.( 上海 2008 春考 ) 你擦一下窗好吗?( mind ) Do you mind / Would you mind cleaning the window? --- Did you say I could use your car? --- Yes certainly, but would you mind _____ just yet? A. not to take it B. taking it not C. not take it D. not taking it D

2. up to one year 长达一年 1) 直到,到 … 为止(用于地点, 数量, 时间) The girl ran up to her father. She was here up to a few minutes ago. 2) 由某人决定 It’s up to you to decide it. 3) 策划,计谋 … I knew what he was up to. 4) 从事于,忙于 What's he up to?

1) 要不要这份礼物由你决定。 It's up to you whether we accept the present or not. 2) 他直到现在还保持沉默。 Up to now, he's been quiet. up to date 最近的;最新的 up to now 迄今

4.They are now in great need of help. So your support will certainly make a _______. A. deal B. decision C. point D. difference D

make a big / a great deal of / a lot of difference 产生巨大的影响或者作用 make no difference 没有关系,没有重要性 make all the difference (to sb. /sth.) 关系重大;大不相同

用电子词典或者传统词典都差不多。 ( difference ) It makes no difference whether you use an electric dictionary or a traditional one.