Foundations of Sociology Relation of Sociology to other social sciences
Social Sciences History- study of the past Political Science- study of political (government) systems. Anthropology- study of past and present cultures. Psychology- study of mind and human behavior. Economics- study of economic systems.
Social Interaction How people relate and influence each other.
Social Phenomena Observable facts or events that involve human society.
Sociological Perspective A person’s view of themselves and the world around them.
Sociological Imagination Ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life. Developed by C. Wright Mills.
Early Sociology People that shaped the field of Sociology
Auguste Comte French philosopher Founder of sociology? Applied scientific method to society.
Herbert Spencer Englishman Applied Darwin’s Theory of Evolution to society creating Social Darwinism.
Karl Marx Believed social structure is influenced by how an economy is organized. Divided society into two classes… proletariats (have nots) and the bourgeousi (haves) Wanted two social classes equal.
Emile Durkheim French sociologist concerned with the problem of social order. Studied religion in society.
Max Weber Focused on smaller groups and individuals in society. Ideal type- essential characteristics of a feature of society.
Current Perspectives in Sociology 3 broad perspectives that form the basis of modern Sociology
Functionalist Perspective Bases on ideas of Comte, Spencer, and Durkheim. View society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system. Society is held together through consensus. Most people agree on what is best for society and work together to ensure that the social system runs smoothly.
Terms of Functionalists Dysfunctional- negative consequences or situation in society. Manifest Function- intended consequence of an element in society ex: Car = transportation. Latent Function- unintended consequence of an element in society ex: Car = sign of wealth and status
Conflict Perspective Focuses on the forces in society that promote competition and/or change. Karl Marx studied how some have power in society over others and that conflict over resources is the basis of all conflict.
Interactionist Perspective Focus on how individuals interact with one another in society. Study ways in which individuals respond to one another in everyday situations. Max Weber studied the role of symbols in society ex: flag, eagle, Uncle Sam etc. Symbolic interaction- how people use symbols when interacting.