Bone Fractures Anatomy & Physiology
Statistics Fractures of extremities (limbs) most common More common in: Men up to 45 years old Women over 45 years old Most common fractures: Before age 75: wrist After age 75: hip
Types of Fractures Depends on magnitude and direction of force
Fractures can be: Closed/Simple -Bone fragments do not pierce skin Open/compound -Bone fragments pierce skin
Displaced Non-displaced Fractures can be: -Bone out of normal alignment Non-displaced -Bone within normal alignment
Complete Incomplete Fractures can be: Fracture goes all the way through Incomplete Fracture goes through only part of bone
Common Fracture Types Transverse Fracture Bone breaks straight across
Common Fracture Types Oblique Fracture Bone breaks at an angle
Common Fracture Types Spiral Fracture Break spirals around the bone Occurs when bone is twisted
Common Fracture Types Compression Fracture Vertebrae in spinal column are pushed together
Common Fracture Types Greenstick Fracture Breaks similar to how a green twig would break Common in children- bones are more flexible Bone bends and breaks incompletely
Common Fracture Types Comminuted Fracture Bone shatters into at least three bone fragments
Common Fracture Types Impacted fracture Force presses against both ends; pushes broken ends together
Common Fracture Types Stress fracture Small crack in bone caused by overuse or repetitive motion
Ms Clark’s Elbow