MMrs….. II have been teaching…. TTo contact: call: WWiki page: et/
Principal – Rachel McKenzie Assistant Principal – Andrea Runyon School Counselor – Sarah Crist Academic Facilitator – Amanda Daniels Talent Development – Susie Miller
We will continue to use the Common Core State Standards You can review them at: Literacy: we will continue to work with Balanced Literacy: Every Child reads independently, reads with support, writes, and works with words each day! Math: We will continue to use Investigations and other supplementary materials to be sure we are meeting the curriculum goals.
Think: Phonics, Daily 5, guided readings, spelling, vocabulary, read aloud Upper grades focus is building stamina and ability to comprehend various text types at an individual challenging level. Moving towards 50% non fiction reading
Each child grades 1-5 will be using Daily Grammar Practice In addition, teachers will build lessons to teach the grammar common core objectives in isolation.
Talk about major goals in your grade level, Example: 3 rd works hard to memorize multiplication facts. Kinder write to 20 and count up to 100 ( think of things parents can help with, websites, strategies, expectations at the end of the year… what you do to extend learning.
We will continue to use “The North Carolina Essential Standards” ew-standards/ ew-standards/ The district has provided us with pacing guides and curriculum guides
Give the major units Do you have tests, are they open or closed book, how long to study? Is this included in your homework allotted time per night? Projects: in class or home Talk about labs and hands on approach.
Give the major units Do you have tests, are they open or closed book, how long to study? Is this included in your homework allotted time per night? Projects: in class or home Talk about labs and hands on approach.
K-3 Dibles K-5 MAP testing 3 times a year in computer lab or iPad carts (this is a diagnostic tool to help you teach to specific needs of children) 3 rd Grade Pre EOG – Sept. 10 th – 16 th EOG Date May 28 th they begin(Please don’t schedule vacations during this time)
What is Shining Knights? ◦ school-wide positive incentive program ◦ (I will finish this slide on 8/28)
Matrix, positive/negative consequences. Communicate how you will let the parents know if they changed a color Do your parents need to sign the agenda each night to check on their behavior???
We have monthly school wide character traits we focus on as a school. Duke and Duchess Shining Knights – school wide Class meetings – when & why
K-3 total of 30 minutes with reading log included 4-5 total of 50 minutes with reading log included Add your specific guidelines and procedures
A: Excellent B: Very Good C: Satisfactory D: Low Performance F: Below 70 Failing
Class work/informal assessments (warm-ups, notebook checks, group work, in-class tasks, and class participation )= 30% of quarter grade Homework = 10% of quarter grade (homework will be given as a participation grade) Formal assessments (tests, major quizzes, comprehensive writing assignments, and projects) = 60% quarter grade
Four point scale 4 has been added : Expands Grade Level Standards Discuss your grade level approach to the 4 Talk about how some parts of this is a growth document
New NC system for attendance and grades You can access it from the CMS Website under the Parent Tab You should have received your login information last week in the Home/School folder Help Desk:
The theme this year is…Wild About Reading! The PTA has purchased Accelerated Reader Enterprise again this year for grade 1-2. We are so lucky to have access to over 100,000 tests. Thank you PTA! AR will begin September 14 th ! Testing will not begin before this date. PTA is in the process of planning a Kick off celebration on September 13. This is when your child will find out all the prizes and incentives for this school year. Parents will receive a letter with your Home Connect login and all the details of this year’s program! Home Connect allows you to monitor your child’s AR progress form home. Specific questions: (our Academic
Quarter Goal -read 3 books of different genres and turn in one form per book, per quarter. Semester Goal – read and turn in a total of 6 genre forms (3 per quarter) Your child will receive a formal assessment grade each quarter. (60% portion of grade) We are focusing on different genres again. They will choose from 8 different genres. This program helps meet the standards of the Common Core Detailed information will be coming home with our Sept. 13 Kick Off
One project per semester. Each project will have directions and rubrics to go with them Parents and students will be given at least 3 weeks to complete the project. Counts as a formal assessment grade You might want to tell your parents what event you will invite parents in for (book parade, wax museum, poetry event….)
You must register as a CMS volunteer at: You will receive an that confirms you as a volunteer. If you are from out of state it will take longer to run a background check. Go ahead and register any family member that may come to the school. Even lunch visitors must be approved. This is for the safety of your children. We appreciate your support!
In writing
Optional – add if you want
We go outside unless it is under 40 degrees Indoor recess – Mr. Mark, games, we try to stay active during this time Wear tennis shoes – we run laps almost daily Maybe go over your football, lacrosse, … policy this is a good time to explain all that
Computer with Mrs. Tatsis (Winter) Music with Mrs. Skala PE with Mrs. Furr Media with Mrs. Parrish Art with Mrs. McCann
Be sure to give me your address. This year we will be using Sign Up Genius for parent teacher conferences
Thank you for coming tonight and being a part of your child’s education.