Get Healthy: Small Businesses Suburban Caps Jessica Kidd
Abstract Corporate companies offer corporate wellness programs Productivity and prevention Small businesses lack Suburban Caps (small business) Gym memberships
Introduction Stress levels Economy- Losing jobs Family effort to keep business running One sickness/injury is harmful to business Questionnaires Purchase of gym memberships
Stress Stress is unavoidable Coping strategies Exercise is one coping strategy to deal with stress levels Deal with daily hassles (Lippke, Wienert, Kuhlmann, Fink, Hambrecht 2015)
Unemployment -400 small businesses -60% said stress was increasing -20% employers said stress was from managing employees - Know how to manage employee stress - Make sure they are happy on regular work days (Solnik 2012). (Herzlich 2014).
Goals and Objectives Reduce overall stress on daily work day Employer provides gym memberships Employees workout 3x per week Height, weight, blood pressure, BMI recorded
Method Questionnaires Non-randomized Self-reported 8 week period Qualitative and quantitative
Program Started September 28 th Distributed questionnaires Gym memberships started October 1 st Everyone had gone at least once the 1 st week Post-test distributed at end to see results (similar to questionnaire at beginning)
Results 6 followed through completely years old 5 males and 1 female Stress level average went from 5.4 to 4.3 (1 being unstressed and 10 being very stressed) P value =0.34
Other factors 2.38 pound average decrease in weight No change in nutrition (average of 5 to 5.5 after program had ended) No change in blood pressures No significant other health related changes
Body Mass Index
Discussion One small business Less employees Only one female Not noted what type of exercise One employee had pinched nerve and said still helped business More small businesses would show better results
References Herzlich, J. (2014, Nov 17, 2014). SMALL BUSINESS: Reducing employees' fears, stress. Newsday, pp. A.37. Retrieved from Lippke S, Wienert J, Kuhlmann T, Fink S, Hambrecht R (2015) Perceived Stress, Physical Activity and Motivation: Findings from an Internet Study. Ann Sports Med Res 2(1): New jersey.(2014, The Almanac of American Politics,, n/a. Retrieved from Solnik, C. (2012). Small business stress on the rise. Long Island Business News,, n/a. Retrieved from