France: Second & Third Republics
1848 in France King Louis Philippe was conservative and corrupt. Banquets of opposition—Feb. 21 st government forbade them Revolt leads to abdication of the throne
Provisional government makes national workshops. April 13 th —new National Assembly elected. Conservatives win. – Close workshops – Causes June Days. Need for social order, strong leader.
Louis Napoleon Name Cooperative and popular Requests reelection in 1851 and is turned down – Seizes government control 1852—restores universal manhood suffrage and uses a plebiscite. – People voted him back in. He becomes emperor in December.
Characteristics of Rule Had extravagant court Full control Frequent plebiscites Supported economic liberalism Main goal: bring France back to a state of glory – Wars with Russia and Austria
Rule 2 parts— – —authoritarian empire – —liberal empire Because of questioned rule & failure in foreign policy Free trade with Britain Freer debate in legislature Relaxed press/union laws
Last Attempt at Popularity Enters the Franco-Prussian War Battle of Sedan—emperor captured & sent to England Second Empire is over Second Republic begins
Paris vs. Provinces Divided on whether they wanted a monarchy or republic National Assembly dominated by monarchists. Gave executive power to Adolphe Thiers, to negotiate peace treaty with Prussia. Treaty of Frankfurt—France charged indemnity. Lost Alsace and Lorraine. Occupation by Prussia.
Paris Commune Paris feels betrayed by National Assembly. March 1871—Elects new municipal government—the Paris Commune. Read primary source.
Intends to rule Paris separately. National Assembly sends troops to surround Paris. – Kill 20,000 civilians in one week. – But they restore order! Becomes legend across Europe—thought by Marxists to be a proletariat government suppressed by bourgeoisie.
National Assembly Problems Divided on who they want as king—House of Bourbon or Orleans. Republicans gain strength. 1875—National Assembly decides to create political structure for Third Republic.
Third Republic Stabilized France but had limited effect because lacked strong executive and had multiparty system. Longest republic:
Dreyfus Affair Greatest challenge What is Zola’s main accusation?
Dec. 22, 1894—French military court found Captain Alfred Dreyfus guilty of spying for Germany. Later found to be forged evidence Officer Ferdinand Esterhazy was guilty but army investigators accused Dreyfus because he was Jewish.
After Esterhazy is shown to be guilty, conservatives continue accusing Dreyfus. 1898—J’Accuse written by Emile Zola Political left comes to Dreyfus’ support. Put conservatives on defensive. – Creates alliance that will outlast Dreyfus Affair