Structured Participation Toolkit (SPT) : A CyberGIS Integration Prototype Tim Nyerges U of Washington, Geography Mary Roderick U of Washington, Urban Design and Planning
1 Outline of talk 1. Context 2. SPT best practice overview 3. Demonstration 4. Concluding remarks
2 Two CyberGIS Problem Contexts 1. Current CyberGIS best practice focus: GIScience Problem Domain - Collaborative functional requirements - Metrics for platform evaluation - Analytic-deliberative usability evaluation 2. Future CyberGIS best practice focus: other Science Problem Domain - Collaborative development of analytic-deliberative designs of human- environment systems models (aka social-ecological or nature-society systems models)
3 PGIST Element Structured Participation Toolkit Best practice overview for structured participation 3 steps in best practice - intelligence, design and choice (IJGIS paper) PGIST Element: SPT and other components SPT consists of 3 components one for each practice a. Brainstorm feedback (intelligence) capability b. Synthesize messages from feedback (design) capability c. Prioritization for action (choice) capability Link-up with the Gateway to support collaborative problem solving
4 Spatial –Temporal Participation Four space-time contexts for participation, plus endless mix… a. same time / same place b. same time / different place c. different time / same place d. different time / different place
5 Demonstration Focus on GIScience problem domain - functional requirements and metrics for CyberGIS Brainstorm and synthesize issues across the CyberGIS elements 15min – Demo brainstorm (MRO) & synthesis (Team): - help design character of the STP synthesis component
6 Demonstration
7 Concluding Remarks Best practice for structured participation…based upon… Several system designs Several field experiments Tremendous potential for geospatial problem solving… yet to be realized
8 Thank you! Acknowledgements LIT research supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. EIA , funded through the Information Technology Research Program, and managed in the Digital Government Program. VCC Research funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climate Program Office, Sectoral Applications Research Program #NA07OAR PIM Research funded by the National Science Foundation Grant No. BCS , Geography and Spatial Sciences Program. CyberGIS Research funded by the National Science Foundation Grant No. OCI Office of Cyberinfrastructure, Software Institutes, Cross- Directorate Active Programs, Geography and Spatial Sciences, and Method, Measure & Statistics Programs. Results and opinions are those of the presenters not the funding programs.