Current estimation of the background level Ken Sakashita ( Osaka University ) for the E391a collaboration 1.Overview/Motivation 2.4 data analysis 3.2 data analysis 4.Conclusion
Overview K L 0 decay (BR SM ~ 3x ) –2 + nothing –Require high Pt of 0 Expected Background –K L 2 0 decay ( BR ~ ), 2 missing –Neutron interaction ( n+(material) 0 + …) Key points –How to detect extra photon with high effeciency Hermetic photon veto –How to reduce neutron interaction High vacuum system (10 -5 Pa) Clean pencil beam
Motivation Study of the performance of the vetoes –Use 4 data –Background(K L 3 0, 2 missing) + Signal(K L 2 0 ) –photon rejection by each vetoes Study of 2 data –Study of the background by using 1-day data sample –Understand events lies in the outside region
Motivation KLKL MB photon veto KLKL KLKL KLKL A)K L 0 B)K L 2 0, 2 missing C)K L 2 0 D)K L 3 0, 2 missing CsI calorimeter
4 analysis Reconstruction of 4 data –# of reconstructed -cluster : exactly equal to 4 (E >= 13MeV) –No other cluster ( thr. = 5 MeV) – 0 reconstruction (assume M 0 vertex Z) –Best chi2 –Kinematics cut Chi2 < 2 Pt 2 < 1x10 -3 (GeV/c) 2 Beam size < 5cm 11 22 33 44 z1z1 z2z2 2 0 momentum beam direction Pt
4 analysis M 4 plot after kinematics cut(w/o photon veto) M 4 ~ M KL Signal(K L 2 0 ) M 4 < M KL Bkg(K L 3 0 ) Estimation S/N - fitting w/ G+p1 Data
Study of vetoes Performance of MainBarrel photon veto –Simple cut (E dep < Threshold), no timing information R(N sig ) S/N Acceptance loss (no timing info.) Factor ~3 improvement
4 analysis Apply MB veto + other photon vetoes Final M 4 plot –K L 3 0 Contamination ~ 4.7% Data
Consideration on 4 data Remaining Background –K L 3 0 + Fusion –Result of the Monte Carlo simulation of K L 3 0 Performance of the photon vetoes –M 4 plot shows current veto performance –However, we need more detail study to estimate the background level –Study of fusion also necessary Data K L 3 0 MC before vetoes after vetoes
2 analysis Apply the photon vetoes E > 200MeV Zvtx distribution, Acoplanarity angle distribution Beam direction 11 22
Neutron Monte Carlo Assume a core neutron hits a material at the Zvtx = 550 cm –Membrane in front of the Charged veto counter Halo neutron –Single neutron hits CsI and make 2 associated cluster 1g/cm3 0.2mm-thick n n CsI Hadronic shower 2 clusters CsI CV
Neutron MC w/ lose vetoes –Halo n MC well agree with data –Assume the factor 0.22 (material), core n MC also agree with data Halo n MC Core n MC (in right plot : w/ factor 0.22) data Data/MC Neutron Monte Carlo
2 analysis selection –A kind of cluster shape cut ( ) –Distance between 2 -clusters Signal MC Halo n MC Signal MC R > 0.9 D > 40 cm
2 analysis applying photon vetoes selection w/o acoplanarity angle cut
2 analysis Background study (MonteCarlo simulation) High statistics for K L 2 0 and K L decays Small statistics for other decays and neutron MC Core neutron’s events located in the z=550cm
Summary Study of 4 data –Good performance of the photon vetoes –Need more detail study of the photon vetoes Use timing information / Estimate accidental loss –K L 3 0 contamination ~ 4.7% –In order to estimate the background level, we need more detail study of 4 data Current status of 2 analysis –Events in the side band region Single halo neutron hits in the CsI 2 associated cluster Core neutron makes events at the Zvtx=550 cm –We need shape study in order to separate n/ –We need more statistics of Monte Carlo simulation
Backup slides
Vacuum system Differential pumping system Region-1 : < 0.1Pa Region-2 : ~ Pa Separated by thin membrane
2 analysis selection (Data) –Distance between 2 clusters –R Data R > 0.9 D > 40 cm Data
Neutron Monte Carlo Momentum distribution from GEANT simulation Core neutronHalo neutron Pb abs. C1 C2C3 C4 C5 C6
4 analysis Best chi2 Kinematics –Pt 2, Beam size chi2 < 2 R beam < 5 cm Pt 2 <1 x data
Study vetoes(4 data) Other vetoes –Typically 1 MeV E dep cut (w/o timing information) R(N sig )S/N