© 2013 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Managing Change and Stress Chapter Eighteen
18-2 Learning Objectives LO.1 Discuss the external and internal forces that create the need for organizational change. LO.2 Describe Lewin’s change model and the systems model of change. LO.3 Discuss Kotter’s eight steps for leading organizational change. LO.4 Define organization development (OD), and explain the OD process. LO.5 Explain the dynamic model of resistance to change.
18-3 Learning Objectives (cont.) LO.6 Discuss the key recipient and change agent characteristics that cause resistance to change. LO.7 Identify alternative strategies for overcoming resistance to change. LO.8 Define the term stress, and describe the model of occupational stress. LO.9 Discuss the stress moderators of social support, hardiness, and Type A behavior. LO.10 Review the four key stress-reduction techniques and the components of a holistic approach toward stress reduction.
18-4 The External and Internal Forces for Change
18-5 External Forces Demographic characteristics Technological advancements Shareholder, customer and market changes Social and political pressures
18-6 A Generic Typology of Organizational Change
18-7 Lewin’s Change Model Benchmarking the overall process by which a company compares its performance with that of other companies, then learns how the strongest- performing companies achieve their results
18-8 Steps to Leading Organizational Change
18-9 Creating Change Through Organization Development Organization Development consists of planned efforts to help persons work and live together more effectively, over time, in their organizations
18-10 The OD Process
18-11 OD Research and Practical Implications 1. Planned organizational change works 2. Change programs are more successful when they are geared toward meeting both short-term and long-term results 3. Organizational change is more likely to succeed when top management is truly committed to the change process 4. Effectiveness of OD interventions is affected by cross-cultural considerations
18-12 A Dynamic Model of Resistance to Change
18-13 Overcoming Resistance to Change Resilience to change represents a composite characteristic reflecting high self-esteem, optimism, and an internal locus of control, was positively associated with recipients’ willingness to accommodate or accept a specific organizational change
18-14 Defining Stress Stress an adaptive response, mediated by individual characteristics and/or psychological processes, that is a consequence of any external action, situation, or event that places special physical and/or psychological demands upon a person
18-15 A Model of Occupational Stress