“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” 1 Software Asset Management Fred Allen - SAM Program Manager General Services Administration Interagency Policy & Management Division Washington, DC General Services Administration
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” Purpose To provide the workshop participants information on the Software Asset Management initiative and explore methods of making it an architecturally based capability that facilitates use and deployment.
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” Why a Software Asset Management Capability Executive Order Software Piracy (EO 13103) E-Gov Act of 2002 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Continued OMB Direction for Software Asset Management –OMB Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Internal Control –The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-04-08, Maximizing Use of SmartBUY and Avoiding Duplication of Agency Activities with the President’s 24 E-Gov Initiatives (February 25, 2004) –The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-04-16, Software Acquisition (July 1, 2004) Security & Patch Management Better Configuration Management
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” Acquisition Schedule 70 Data Procurement Data Program Managers Difficult Managing Software Life Cycle Little Process Integration Limited Data Harmonization “As-Is” Software Asset Management IT Activities Patch Mgt Security SmartBUY Human Resources Finance
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” Software Life Cycle Management Process Integration Data Harmonization SAM Process Environment “To Be” Software Asset Management
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” SAM Supply Chain High-Level Flow Diagram S/W Asset and Upgrade Distribution S/W Asset Production & Maintenance S/W Asset Requirements Federal S/W Asset Inventory Repository Integrated Acquisition Environment and eMarketplace SW Asset Procurement S/W Asset Testing, Acceptance and Installation S/W Asset Retirement Agency S/W Asset Inventory Repository 2 4 Process Linking 1 3 5
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” Way Ahead SAM Integrated Product Team –Chief Information Officer (CIO) –Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO) –Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) –GSA Information Technology (IT) Acquisition Services Center –Selected Human Resources (HR) data elements –Chief Financial Officer (CFO) –Office of Governmentwide Policy (OGP) –Business and Process owners
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers” The Way Ahead Cont. Produce a SAM –Data Sharing Specifications –Systems of Records –Use open source tools Publish a State of SAM Report Deliver a SAM Pilot April 2007
“Provide best value for customer agencies and taxpayers”