Assignment #28 Attitude: a way of thinking, acting or feeling; how one looks at life. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: when you accept that something is too difficult or overwhelming, it likely will be. A negative attitude sets you up for stress and defeat.
Assignment #28 Self-Talk: the messages one tells oneself in a given situation. These messages may be positive or negative. Constructive Criticism: a type of criticism in which the purpose is to benefit the recipient. Comments may be both positive and negative in nature and should be given in a helpful and friendly manner.
Unit 2 Summary Assignment Self Assessment What have you learned about yourself career development 5 Things to Change –Procrastination; communication skills; study habits
Stress Management A Balancing Act
What is stress? How one’s body reacts to change. –These feelings come from feelings, situations and people.
Which of these is stress? You receive a good mark on a test. Your dog gets sick. You have a test soon and you haven’t started studying yet. You are elected president of the student council. Your best friend is moving away. You have an interview for apart time job.
Stressors Things that cause stress are called stressors: –Going to a new school –Divorce or separation of parents –Winning an award –Taking a test –Death of a relative –Being sick
Is All Stress Bad? No!!! Most people define stress as worry, tension and pressure but all stress isn’t bad. We need some stress in our lives or life would be dull.
Strategies for Handling Negative Stress Schedule your important activities. Use a planner. Keep a budget. Talk with parents, a guardian or other responsible adults for support.
Strategies Have a support network of friends. Keep a journal to help organize your thoughts and feelings. Listen to music that makes you feel good.
Strategies Participate in physical activity. Use breathing techniques, yoga, visualization and/or meditation to help you relax. Eat a healthy diet.
Strategies Get plenty of rest and sleep. Use responsible decision-making skills.
Anti-Stress Kit An eraser – to make all those little mistakes disappear A penny – so you will never be completely broke A marble – for those days when you’re sure you’re losing yours
Anti-Stress Kit An elastic – to help stretch beyond your limits A string – to hold it all together when it seems to be falling apart And a kiss – to remind you that some LOVES YOU