For a new language policy at the Jakarta French School Quality foreign language education : fewer hours of English but enhanced quality Customized success pathways in languages Harmonization from CP to 3eme (GR 1 to 9) An existing system recognized by other schools and which enables continuity of education
The schedule parity bilingual system was shown to have limitations : Unsatisfactory level of French language for students at the end of cycle 3 (Gr 5) No possible bridges between bilingual and non- bilingual programs No continuity after CM2 (Gr 5) CONSEQUENCE : A TEACHING TEAM THAT DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS SYSTEM ANYMORE Why change the existing?
PS : Schedule parity bilingual system BUT for Fridays which will be devoted to French MS et GS : no change In Kindergarten
Evolution of the 2 programs (bilingual and French) into 2 language pathways : a bilingual pathway a multilingual pathway In Elementary School
Benefits of pathways versus specialization program Well balanced class sizes Bridges made possible thanks to proficiency groups for English classes Better quality learning process of French language Achievable continuity all the way through 3 ème (Gr 9)
Focus on the bridges Situation to date : 1 child in a speciality program can hardly move over to the other one (must change class, teacher, classmates, remedial program) With the pathway system: a child who can change his orientation thanks to his or her progress doesn’t have to change class, just level group. This change is made possible after discussion with both teachers and parents.
Implementation at LFJ A frame of reference : the French Education Ministry texts governing International Sections, « pathways of excellence promoting student success » 18 hour core teachings for everyone AND an 8 hour language pathway: Pathway #1 : multilingual (French, English, Indonesian) Pathway #2 : bilingual (French, English)
Current Situation French Cycle 23x 45 min English 1x 45 min Indonesian Cycle 34x 45 min English 1H30 Indonesian BILINGUAL 13 hours in English : Science, mathematics, literature, sports, arts, English language
Colour Code Orange : common to both language pathways Green : multilingual pathway Blue : bilingual pathway
18/8 3 hrs of English language study 18 hrs of Language study and subjects in French 1h30 of Indonesian language study Multilingual Pathway French-English- Indonesian 3h30 of subjects in French study Orange : common Green: multilingual pathway Blue: bilingual pathway
18/8 Study of the English Language 3h Study of the language and subject matters in French EMILE (subject matters of the French curriculum taught in English) 5h Bilingual French-English Pathway Orange : common Green: multilingual pathway Blue: bilingual pathway
Assemblée Générale – 21 Janvier levels for all Advanced English language program (English language art program) designed by the Anglo Saxon team Enhanced study of English literature for advanced level Cambridge certification at the end of the 3rd cycle (6 ème ) Personalized language assessment English Language
Assemblée Générale – 21 Janvier CP *Reading/Production of texts *Measures/Geometry *World discovery (DDM) *PE *Visual Arts CE1 *Reading/ Production of texts *Measures/Geometry *World Discovery (DDM) *PE *Visual Arts CE2 Reading & Production of texts * Measures/Geometry * Geography * PE * Science CM1 * Reading & Production of texts * Measures/Arithmetic * Geography * PE * Science CM2 *Reading/Production of texts *Measures/ Arithmetic *Geography *PE *Science EMILE
EMILE Functioning A subject of the French curriculum taught in English A qualified native English-speaking teacher A subject always taught by the anglophone reference teacher Variety and progression in all subjects for a balanced result : Eg : 1H sports in English and 2H sports in French. As is the case today in the bilingual program Eg : in CP and CE1, reading and writing being installed, we use more subjects where spoken language is favoured (arts, sports, World Discovery)
English Language Classes For each of the 2 pathways: 3 hrs of English Language – Common to both pathways: students from multilingual and bilingual can be mixed – Ability streaming in accordance with the CECRL A1, A1-A2, A2-B1 objectives – Taught by native English-speaking teachers
Indonesian Language Classes 1H30 Indonesian language & culture 45 min Indonesian culture taught simultaneously by a French teacher + an Indonesian teacher 45 min Indonesian Language with 2 level groups
Objective of the new policy : To open an international section September 2016 : establishment of the « International Section» organization (SI) from CP to CM2 Before end of 2016 : Application file sent to AEFE and the French Education Ministry requesting the official opening of the International Section in elementary for September 2017.
For the Secondary School
ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL ALIGNMENT To ensure continuity between Primary School – Secondary School (avoid a significant reduction in the number of hours as is currently the case (CM2 : 13 hrs 6 ème : 6hrs) To achieve excellence To offer quality English language teaching, accredited and recognized by the Education Ministry To allow parents coming from an AEFE school or returning to France to find an identical system
26H Core 2H English Civilization 2 ability groups 4H English language ability Group 1h Indonesian OPTION 6 ème – September 2016 OPTION 2H History- geography in English Orange : common Blue : bilingual pathway Green : options which can be taken in multilingual or bilingual
26H Core 2H English Civilization 2 Ability groups 3H English language Ability Group OPTION 1H indonesian 5 ème and 4ème – September 2016 OPTION 1H Latin OPTION 2H History- geography in English 3H LV2 Spanish, Chinese, German + Orange : common Blue : bilingual pathway Green : options which can be taken in multilingual or bilingual
26H Core 2H History-Geo DNL* 2 Ability groups 3H English language Ability Group OPTION 1H indonesian 3ème– September 2016 OPTION 2H Latin OPTION 2H English Civilization 3H 2 nd Foreign Language Spanish, Chinese, Deutsch + * Discipline Non Linguistique Orange : common Blue: bilingual pathway Green: options which can be taken in multilingual or bilingual
Objective of the new policy: To open an international section with the possibility to take the National Diploma of Brevet « international option» Before end of 2016 : proposal file sent to AEFE and the French Education Ministry requesting the official opening of the International Section in elementary for september 2017.
2 nd Foreign Language Teaching starting from 2016 Chinese, German, Spanish Implementation of the Middle School reform on the 2 nd Foreign Language policy starting from 5 ème Consequence for LFJ : Removal of 2 nd Foreigh Language in 6ème Number of hours increased in 5 ème, 4 ème, 3 ème + 0,5 hours ( 3 instead of 2,5 hours)
Indonesian Teaching Optional Teaching for all Middle School levels : 1 hour weekly With « special beginners » program being kept as is Indonesian as a 3rd Foreign Language offered in High-School in 2 nde, only with the aim of taking it as an option for the baccalaureate. 2 hours weekly. Upon request, setting up of a common «High-School » group for an introduction to the Indonesian language. 1 hour weekly.