20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt BlogsTaggingQR Codes Social Media All Linked In
This is a blend of the term web log
What is a Blog?
They can be used in the classroom in all subject areas
What are Blogs?
Creates a dialog between teacher and student or amongst the class as a whole
What are Blogs?
Although Blogs are usually text, they can be used with art work and music
BLOG Creation Sites Free Blogger Site Students of the World Blogs My Teen Blog Edublogs
Blogs can be used for brainstorming and assessment etc.
Students can turn in journals and other assessments in any number of subject matters.
Links a person, page, or place to something you post
What is Tagging?
A status update, photo, or an app activity.
What are examples of Tagging?
To notify friends or family that they are in a picture or to let people know about a website or other educational tool.
What are reasons to use tagging?
If something is inappropriate or you don’t like something someone tags you with,
What is removal of tags made by others?
Tagging is used with social media sites.
Social Media Sites Facebook Linked In Google Circles
QR Codes
What are Quick Response Codes? New Jersey
A two-dimensional or matrix code.
What are QR Codes?
First used in the automotive industry.
What are QR Codes?
A way to use smart phones and other portable devices in the classroom.
What are QR codes?
QR Codes can add a physical component by doing a quest. You can use them as a review or even an assessment tool.
QR Code Websites QR Code Generator QR Stuff and Generator
People use these to communicate and share parts of their lives.
What are Social Media sites?
Groups and Organizations inform people about important events and issues.
What are Social Media sites?
Can be used by educators to share information with their class, replacing the need for a website and newsletters.
What are Social Media Sites?
Students can research an event, a person or place and do a report with this.
What are Social Media Sites?
Examples of Social Media Sites
Facebook Linked In My Space
Journals, Discussion Questions and Communication.
What are ways to use Blogs in your classroom?
Researched Reports and Sharing communication
What are ways to use Social Media in the classroom?
Physical Quests and Smart Phones
What are ways to use QR Codes in the classroom?
Sharing pictures
What is how to use Tagging in the Classroom?
It enhances education and reaches students in ways that traditional methods don’t.
What is the reason to incorporate technology into your lesson plans?