INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE NURSING HOME Use of Technology in Resident Care computer charting medication delivery systems (ei. PYXIS) CAN YOU THINK OF MORE? what about this... Benefits...
GUIDELINES FOR USING PERSONAL OR FACILITY TECHNOLOGY Social Media Do not share confidential or proprietary information about your facility/company. Be respectful and professional to fellow team members, business partners, competitors, residents and family members. Be aware and comply with employer policies regarding use of employer-owned computers, cameras and other electronic devices, and use of personal devices in the workplace. Improper use of social media by staff may violate state and federal laws established to protect patient privacy and confidentiality.
GUIDELINES FOR USING PERSONAL OR FACILITY TECHNOLOGY Cell Phones Cell phones may not be used in resident areas, including texting Cameras and/or video recording on the cell phone may never be used to take pictures or video of a resident