- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) LCG BluePrint: PI and SEAL Craig E. Tull Trillium Analysis Environment for the Grid December 19, 2003 Caltech - Pasadena, CA
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) LCG Applications Torre Wenaus Common Projects Application RTAGS —Simulation —Monte Carlo generators —Applications architectural blueprint —Detector geometry and materials description —Math library review —Managing LCG software —Persistency framework
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) Architecture Blueprint RTAG John Apostolakis, Guy Barrand, Rene Brun, Predrag Buncic, Vincenzo Innocente, Pere Mato, Andreas Pfeiffer, David Quarrie, Fons Rademakers, Lucas Taylor, Craig Tull, Torre Wenaus No Unanimous Consensus (~3+1 split) Majority Agreement on: —Component Architecture —Python Software Bus concept —Special Relationship of ROOT as Tool Provider Two Projects Derived from Blueprint —PI - Physicist Interface —SEAL - Shared Environment for Applications at LHC
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) SEAL Project Core Libraries and Services 18 December 2002 P. Mato / CERN Shared Environment for Applications at LHC
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) Project Scope Foundation Class Libraries —Basic types (STL, Boost, CLHEP, …) —Utility libraries —System libraries —Domain specific foundation libraries Basic Framework Services —Component model —Reflection —Plugging management —Incident (Event) management —Distribution, Grid —Scripting
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) Domain Coverage
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) Physicist Interface Vincenzo Innocente CERN/EP
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) File Distributed Data Store Data Browser Analysis job wizards Simulation Reconstruction PersistencyServices NetworkServices Coherent Analysis Environment (chep01) Visualization BatchServices VisualizationTools AnalysisTools Software Development
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) “Blueprint” PI-Breakdown Interactivity —Physicist’s desktop Analysis Tools —Binned and unbinned statistical analysis Data manipulation and transformation Analysis (fitting) engine Inspection of results Visualization —Data and results of statistical analysis —Event simulation, reconstruction Distributed analysis —Transparent access to “grid” resources “bsub” on the wan… “root” on the wan… —Tools to implement experiment’s analysis model Grid Portals —Transparent access to “grid” resources —Custom solution tailored to LHC experiment needs Event collection handing Metadata browsing VDP definition …
- LCG Blueprint (19dec02 - Caltech Pasadena, CA) Still Early in the Process Both projects (PI & SEAL) are only weeks old. Explicit realization that the two project leads will need to define the boundary and responsibilities. I do not have info on PI/LCHb/ALICE/CMS talks No ATLAS enthusiasm for another Visualizer or Histogramming project. Vincenzo has expressed interest in the GANGA project and design. —Talk next year. My take: —SEAL - up to and including the "Presentation Layer" (see my Python talk) —PI - Task Layer and above. —Usability layer likely to fall on SEAL side of fence.