Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors Li 1–x Ti 2+x O 4 Johnston, Prakash, Zachariasen, Viswanathan, MRS Bulletin 8 (1973)


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Presentation transcript:

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors Li 1–x Ti 2+x O 4 Johnston, Prakash, Zachariasen, Viswanathan, MRS Bulletin 8 (1973) 777–784.

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors Matthias’s Rules 1. Transition metals are better than simple metals; 2. Peaks of density of states at the Fermi level are good; 3. High crystallographic symmetry is good: Cubic is best; 4. Stay away from oxygen, magnetism, and insulating phases.

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors BaPb 1–x Bi x O 3 BaPb 0.8 Bi 0.2 O 3 Sleight, Gillson, Bierstedt, Solid State Commun. 17 (1975) 27–28.

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors BaPb 1–x Bi x O 3 Batlogg, Physica 126B (1984) 275–279.

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors BaBiO 3 structure: Charge disproportionation (valence skipping) Pei, Jorgensen, Dabrowski, Hinks, Richards, Mitchell, Newsam, Sinha, Vaknin, Jacobson, Phys. Rev. B. 41 (1990) 4126– Å average Å average

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors Bednorz, Müller, Nobel Lecture 1987.

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors Bednorz, Müller, Nobel Lecture 1987.

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors J. Phys. France 42, (1981) DOI: /jphys: Bipolarons and superconductivity B.K. Chakraverty Groupe des Transitions de Phases, C.N.R.S., B.P. 166, Grenoble, Cedex, France Abstract The problem of deformation induced attraction leading to localized pairs of electrons, the so- called bipolarons, is studied in detail. The analogy between bipolarons and itinerant Cooper pairs in a superconductor is explored. It is shown that the two types of pairing result from the microscopic nature of the electron-phonon Hamiltonian and that following the coupling constant the ground-state becomes a bipolaronic insulator beyond a critical coupling strength. A phase diagramme between a metal, superconductor and bipolaronic insulator is proposed.

Materials 286K Class 10, Oxide superconductors Bednorz, Müller, Nobel Lecture “La-Ba-Cu-O” oxide

Materials 286K Class 10 Dagotto, Science 309 (2005) 257–262. Complexity in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (title of paper)

Materials 286K Class 10 Dagotto, Science 309 (2005) 257–262. Complexity in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (title of paper)

Materials 286K Class 10 Dagotto, Science 309 (2005) 257–262. Complexity in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems (title of paper)