Economics of public sector Educational course O.P.Korobeynikov, D.V.Khavin, Ye.P.Nikiforova, A.V.Basheva Computerized for network studies
Purpose of the course: Training specialists in the area of economics and ecology for practical realization of the conception of sustainable development © O.P.Korobeynikov, D.V.Khavin, Ye.P.Nikiforova, A.V.Basheva Economics of public sector Corse objective: Give basic knowledge in decision making process with participation of a large number of interests involved
Innovative aspects of the course: Integration in the program of the course book by L.I.Yakobson enriched by introduction of new material in the sections under consideration, and extended by additional chapters. © O.P.Korobeynikov, D.V.Khavin, Ye.P.Nikiforova, A.V.Basheva Economics of public sector Course position in the system of education: The course is oriented to : training specialists of ecological/economic profile (specialty – “Economics and business management at an enterprise” with ecological and economic specialization) Bachelor’s degree program of ecological/economic description on the basis of the state standard “Economics”
Composition of the course: Course book Compendium of lectures Complex of instruction and methods materials: –tasks and exercises for independent studies –tests –themes for reports and written papers –reader –examination program –examination questions –sample of examination paper © O.P.Korobeynikov, D.V.Khavin, Ye.P.Nikiforova, A.V.Basheva Economics of public sector
Sections of the course: Public sector of national economy Public wealth Distribution, effectiveness, and well-being Public choice Revenues from public sector Taxes and taxation Public expenditures Government’s role in environmental protection Educational services as a basis for the growth of national wealth and private welfare Efficient operation of natural monopolies of the local and federal levels for the purpose of rational implementation of the reform in the area of public utilities and services © O.P.Korobeynikov, D.V.Khavin, Ye.P.Nikiforova, A.V.Basheva Economics of public sector
© O.P.Korobeynikov, D.V.Khavin, Ye.P.Nikiforova, A.V.Basheva Economics of public sector Course trial The course was tried on the academic group taking the program in the direction «Economics» with orientation to «Economics and business management at an enterprise» with ecological/economic specialization, the curse lasting form October 2002 till May The course has been included in the authorized curriculum for undergraduate students