Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 1 Boltz - Stutenberg Jamie Diana Poindexter Madison, Wisconsin July 27, 2008
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 2 Lucy Boltz
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 3 Lucy marries Henry Henry Theodore Stutenberg B. 1851, probably Quincy, Illinois D. 1942, Keokuk, Iowa Who was his parents? The trail went cold until I found Mrs. Jo Quinn of Colony. She knew Henry’s half brother was her own line – John Francis Henry (Frank).
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 4 Frank Stutenberg B. 1844, St. Louis D. 1929, Quincy (Old Soldiers Home cemetery) M. Susanna Carder Lived in Colony, postmaster and Justice of the Peace.
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 5
6 Boat Records Microfilm index of the Port of Baltimore in the spring of 1839, lists a family group with the names listed as traveling together: Henry, Elisie, Catherine, baby Catherine (1 yr. old), Frank, Joseph, another Elisie and Ber. "Supplemental Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Ports, ", National Archives microcopy 334, roll 168, Wisconsin State Historical Society P Abbreviations were used to fit them all on the index card.
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 7 Baltimore to Quincy They are listed as farmers from Germany, but in Quincy were blacksmiths and grocery store operators. Probably came by smaller boat around Florida to New Orleans. Some settled first in Louisville, then St. Louis then Quincy.
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 8 Stukenbergs everywhere Other groups of Stuckenbergs came to America 1840s-1880s. Today Stuckenburg descendant groups are found along the Mississippi and its tributaries Cincinnati, Louisville, Keokuk, Rock River, Twin Cities.
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 9 Lucy Boltz and Henry Stutenberg Lived in Colony at first Moved to Wayland where they ran the post office Buried in Keokuk cemetery
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Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 12 The Stutenberg branch of the Boltz Family
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 13 FamilyTree DNA How about a DNA project for Boltz/Puls/Pulse/Pults/Pultz family?
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 14
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Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 16 Genealogical Database How about a Web based GEDCOM?
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 17
Boltz Reunion 2008 – Edina, Missouri – 18 The End