V x 700: A Perfect Fit for Unattended Applications
2 V x 700 Outdoor Rated Unattended Payments Module
3 The Perfect Unattended Electronic Payments Solution Stands up to weather and vandals Can handle extensive—and sometimes rough—use from consumers Easily integrates with existing machine designs Streamlined for use in tight spaces Complies with security standards and doesn’t require extensive knowledge of mandates, standards, etc. “It just works.” Enables a variety of payment options, including multiple card types and contactless; can evolve as market demands change Power requirements maximized for intermittent use Based on an open and widely used architecture to make application development easier A strong developer network and extensively deployed certified applications
4 V x 700 :: Designed to Fit Kiosks and Vending One of the smallest footprints available to a market where space is a premium V x 700 is specifically designed to fit existing vending machine bill acceptor cut- outs. Meets EVA and NAMA specifications. Operates at low-power modes critical to vending and kiosk Economical solution that provides turnkey electronic payments security for traditional cash-only environments Optional MDB interface for vending
5 V x 700 :: Durable and Secure POS-B PCI approval means that applications can be developed and run with no further PCI approval — speeds time to market and allows simple integration EMV Level 1 and 2 approved VeriShield file authentication protects applications and files Rated for outdoor use The toughest impact resistance and removal detection sensor built in 2 million operation keypad with petro-chemical resistant keys
6 V x 700 :: Versatile and Flexible Verix V operating system makes it simple to develop value-added applications or port existing applications Can function as just a PIN pad or can be a full payment system In vending applications, can replace the vending machine controller Easily integrates with SCR710 secure card reader and contactless interface for multiple payments options Many connectivity options Ample memory with expansion capabilities if needed
7 Verix V Architecture :: Proven, Reliable, Secure Extensive, global customer base Deployed across countertop, portable and wireless systems Proven, stable development environment Library of certified applications Worldwide developer network and ADCs Global support Advanced developer toolkit The highest security standards
8 V x 700 Key Features 128 x 64 graphical display 21 character x 4 line capable Pre-approved to PCI PED POS-B allows easy application development without any re- certification Robust IP65 keypad Vandal resistant housing 10J impact resistance Bill acceptor format fixings Verix V development environment for simpler application porting and development — or the high level ‘7816’ API can be used, requiring no application development 11mm keys, 16 mm pitch CE & UL approved Unauthorized removal detection Backlight provides excellent visibility in both low and high ambient light levels
9 External contactless reader option Links to separate Secure Card reader – SCR710 Serial and USB interfaces MDB interface option Ethernet option Direct support for 2 SAMs Low power modes for power sensitive operation Raised tactile identifiers High contrast laser engraved legends. Petro-chemical resistant -25ºC to +65ºC operation High reliability 2 million operation keypad EMV 1 & 2 approved V x 700 Key Features
10 V x 700 :: Optional Peripherals SCR710 3-track hybrid reader with shutter (EMV) Contactless via external reader MDB Interface V.34 Modem 10BaseT Ethernet
11 V x 700 Typical Implementation :: Kiosk Connection to Transaction Processor (kiosk PC responsibility) Serial, USB or Ethernet connection. Ethernet will need adapter R Power in – 8V DC to 28V DC from kiosk power supply or, for indoor use only, from CPS B-R Cable, V x 700 COM2 to SCR710, cable included with SCR710 PC-based kiosk processor
12 V x 700 Typical Implementation :: Vending Connection to Transaction Processor via dial-up, wireless, GPRS (V x 700 or VMC responsibility) MDB connection, will need adapter R Power in – 8V DC to 28V DC from kiosk power supply or, for indoor use only, from CPS B-R Cable, V x 700 COM2 to SCR710, cable included with SCR710 Vending machine controller (VMC) Optional external contactless
13 End-to-End Payment with PAYware Solution Components = Point-of-Sale Acquirer Processor Authorization Settlement PAYware LINK Middleware Internet Fuel Dispensers PAYware Merchant Switch VeriCenter Terminal Management Hospitality V x 700/SCR API
14 V x 700 :: Powerful Payments Solutions for Self-Service Options for multiple payment types Integrated, adaptable and modular Pre-certified PCI security Pre-certified for EMV Verix V architecture makes applications highly portable Many configuration and connectivity combinations Power usage minimized for kiosks and vending