Bay Region Healthcare Industry Sector Strategy Vision Create and sustain a world class healthcare workforce that: improves the quality of care our community receives, increases healthcare industry productivity and efficiency, and provides higher-skill, higher-wage career paths to all Bay area residents Strategy Identify data-informed opportunities for reaching goals through regional collaboration Convene marketplaces focused on strategic opportunities Facilitate formation of interest-based partnerships to plan, invest in, execute change Provide minimal infrastructure needed to support ad hoc networks of collaborating WD partners Form Bay Region Health Careers Partnership. Engage industry, education, workforce development leaders. Undertake regional alignment, coordination, integration in 1-3 healthcare programs. Engage industry, faculty & admin Develop pathways to careers in health for adults served by WIA, TAA, EDD, CalWORKs Engage WIBs, EDD, college student services, health programs. Develop pathways to careers in health for youth served by high schools, ROCPs, colleges, WIA, CalWORKs. Develop robust, effective, data-driven, sustainable, scalable healthcare career guidance services. Engage education, WD counselors/advisors. Execution 1.Assess interests of industry, college, WD leadership 2.Synthesize existing LMI 3.Convene partnership 4.Identify areas of focus 5.Develop key performance indicators (KPI), set baseline 6.Form stakeholder teams to plan/invest/act 1.Consult with colleges, BRHCP to select programs 2.Form Program Partnership 3.Convene faculty forums 4.Identify KPIs 5.Seek investments and guidance re program SLOs & size from BRHCP 6.Engage faculty in inquiry process 1.Inventory programs in region 2.Inventory existing utilization of programs by outside agencies 3.Identify barriers and opportunities 4.Identify & convene stakeholders 5.Explore creation of intermediary between colleges and WIBs/EDD 1.Convene region’s CTE Community Collaboratives to assess interest in participating in regional effort 2.Assess extent to which high school programs are essential to overall effort through consultation with BRHCP and programs engaged in strategy B 1.Assess interests in career guidance process identified by work in strategies A-D 2.Focus annual regional counselor meeting on health careers 3.Identify leadership willing to take on redesign of counseling process 4.Find funding Metrics 1.Changes made in healthcare program offerings 2.New healthcare programs formed 3.New resources committed to health WD 4.Improvements in key performance indicators 1.Job placement rate 2.Starting wages, wage advancement 3.Employer satisfaction 4.Student satisfaction 5.Program retention & retention 6.Equity 7.Industry investments 1.Job placement rate and wage advancement for supported adults 2.Program retention and completion 3.# of enrollments 1.# graduating high school students entering health career programs 2.Program retention rate for new high school grads 3.# of articulated high school to college programs ABCDE straw person proposal