How is Energy measured?
Investigating appliances at home, that use different amounts of ‘Kilowatts’ ‘Your Guess’ Appliance Quiz
‘Your Guess’ QUIZ
(a) A clothes dryerA clothes dryer (a) A Freezer A Freezer (a) A DishwasherA Dishwasher Which house hold appliance would use the most amount of energy (Kilowatts)?
Which house hold appliance would use the least amount of energy (Kilowatts)? (a) A DVD playerA DVD player (b) A Cordless PhoneA Cordless Phone (c) A Clock RadioA Clock Radio
Which appliance listed below, do you use the most of at home? (a) A ComputerA Computer (a) A LCD or Plasma TVA LCD or Plasma TV (a) A LaptopA Laptop
Computers Facts Computer Monitor (Screen) uses = 150 Watts Computer Tower uses = 120 Watts Computer Monitor + Computer Tower = 270 Watts * When you are not using the computer, remember to always turn it off, and unplug it from the power socket.*
LCD or Plasma TV Facts LCD TV uses = 213 Watts Plasma TV uses = 339 Watts Video Game Player (PS3, X Box) = 195 Watts DVD Player = 17 Watts * When you are not watching your TV turn it off. Always turn your DVD Player and/or your Video Game Player off as well.*
Laptop Facts Laptop computer uses = 50 Watts Printer uses = 45 Watts Laptop Computer + Printer = 95 Watts * Always try to use your Laptop in stead of a computer, it uses LESS energy and power. But don’t forget to always turn it of when it is not being used.*
You FINISHED! Press the ‘esc’ button on your keypad to exit the quiz. Go back to ‘Challenge #1’ to find out how many ‘Watts’ your house hold is using.