The Croydon Monitoring Report Community Infrastructure Levy December 2015
Community Infrastructure Levy Croydon’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced on 1 st April 2013 and raises funds to support the provision of new infrastructure identified in the Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Capital Programme The Council will assign the spending of Croydon’s CIL, which can be spent on the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of…
Community Infrastructure Levy At the end of the first year of its operations (on the 31 st March 2015 the total amount of money raised through Croydon’s Community Infrastructure Levy was…. Between 1 st April and 11 th December a further £1,016,952 has been raised by the borough’s Community Infrastructure Levy bringing the total to £2,060,829
Community Infrastructure Levy There will be consultation with local communities on what they would like to see this 15% of Community Infrastructure Levy funding spent on post % of the money raised from Croydon’s Community Infrastructure Levy will be spent in specific Places of Croydon (identified in the Croydon Local Plan) Future Monitoring Reports will have information on how much each of the 16 Places of Croydon received from the Community Infrastructure Levy The Council is awaiting the outcome of its submission to the Government to be designated a Growth Zone before prioritising Community Infrastructure Levy assignment Money will be assigned in 2016 with priority being given to infrastructure projects identified as a high priority in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan
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