The Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics Part one BME College Sherman sheen The Physics of Radiology
Natural Radioactivity General state of particles Continual motion Uncertainty for a single particle Statistical rules in radioactive nucleus some certain percentage Stable atom when Z<82
Artificial Radioactivity High energy devices produce new particles artificially How to detect the new conversion Geiger counter or scintillation counter chemical separation
Activity Definition: the number of disintegrations per unit time λ transformation constant
Initial activity = A 0 = N 0 λ = Activity Unit: becquerel 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second 1 curie (Ci) = 3.700×10 10 Bq the number of disintegrations per second from 1 gram of radium
Activity Decay of the activity of a 198Au source containing 108 atoms
thousands of curies (~10 14 Bq) --therapy machines Activity Generally speaking mCi (~10 8 Bq) diagnostic procedures