ICT This term the children will start coding. They will complete a series of underwater activities trying to navigate tuna fish, crabs, dolphins and sharks.


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Presentation transcript:

ICT This term the children will start coding. They will complete a series of underwater activities trying to navigate tuna fish, crabs, dolphins and sharks forwards, backwards, left and right as well as programming keys to make different sounds when children press a chosen key. The children will also be given the opportunity to problem solve and repair codes that don’t work properly. Communication, Language & Literacy As young readers and writers, we will use some exciting poetry and stories with a seaside theme and non-fiction books about sea sides and oceans as our stimulus for developing our literacy skills. The sea will also play a role in allowing the children to use drama and movement to bring their ideas to life. We will also continue to investigate long vowel sounds and grammar patterns in our spelling work. We will develop our use of capital letters and full stops, commas in a list along with other punctuation, as well as persevering with introducing a joined handwriting style. Our role play area will be a Dive Centre where the children can imagine diving into the ocean and exploring sea life! Creative Development As young artists, we will be exploring line, shape, colour and texture in the natural seaside environment. We will be doing some very close observation of things we might find at the seaside and using those observations as inspiration when we create our own seaside paintings and models. We will also explore the sounds of the sea and how we can recreate waves, storms, and splashes using musical instruments. In our DT lessons, we will be considering what makes for British food. We will then go on to make a tradition fruit trifle. We will also make a 3D sculpture of the Great Barrier Reef. Mathematical Development  Counting, Partitioning & Calculating  Securing Number Facts & Understanding Shape  Handling Data & Measures  Calculating, Measuring & Understanding Shape  Securing Number Facts, Relationships & Calculating Problem solving will be a theme that runs through all of the above areas and will have a seaside theme in as many areas as possible. Knowledge & Understanding of the World As young scientists we will be learning about Variation in plants and animals as well as Growing Plants. We will develop our knowledge and understanding along with our investigative skills. In Geography we will look at the fascinating plants and animals that live in the underwater world of the Pacific Ocean and the Great Barrier Reef. They will make simple maps and create diagrams of food chains and go on an expedition in our role-play and underwater expedition area. As young historians we will enter the amazing world of naturalist Charles Darwin and find out about the discoveries he made by using photographs, maps and the internet. R.E We will be exploring how the stories that Jesus told teach us about God. Also we will find out about some other stories from the Bible that have a bit of a sea theme like Jonah and the Whale and Moses. Physical Development For our physical development we will be exploring different ball skills and putting these into mini games. We will also be practising and developing our running and jumping.