PERIOD 4: TURN IN THE ESSAY ON THE STOOL! Put it in this order: 1) Rubric, 2) New essay 3) Peer review sheet 4) Old essay Warm-up: Write commas and apostrophes where they need to go. 1. Tuesday Erick told me that Erins butt is so big round and fluffy that when she was backin’ up she ripped her pants. 2. When I was walking through Vista del Lagos hallway I was hit by a pole a huge pole on my face; now its bruised.
Period 4: If you don’t have your essay now… Tomorrow, 10% off, Sunday, 15% off, Monday, 20%, then 10% off for each day after Monday. If you plan on sending it via this weekend, leave me your rubric, old essay and peer review. Period 3: Your essay is due on Monday! Period 1: Your essay is due Wednesday! Bring Interactive Readers Monday. Don’t forget: if you haven’t completed page 43 of Interactive Reader, complete it this weekend.
STANDARDS Literary Response and Analysis 3.12: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period. (Historical approach)
As we read “Creation Hymns” and “Burial Hymn”, answer the following Questions through annotations: 1) What are at least 2 paradoxes that are listed? 2) What is the message behind each of these two paradoxes? 3) Who/what is “That One” that is mentioned? 4) What did Ancient Indians believe existed before earth? 5) What did Ancient Aryans believe about death? a) Is death desirable or frightening is it? How do you know? b) What happens to the dead man? 6) What are the mourners are told about death? 7) What is similar about this funeral and typical funerals today? 8) What is different between this funeral and funerals today?
Complete page 43– “Words to Know SkillBuilder” in your Interactive Reader. Due MONDAY.