Journal Reflection ReviewJournal Reflection Review What does the Bible mean to you?
2 Important Points2 Important Points The Bible is for everyone Read the Bible
This is what the Bible is all about: God desiring relationship with us
Exercise In pairs, discuss these prompts (in order): 1.What would your response be if your closest friend wanted to tell you something? What if he was telling you something really important about his life or how he is thankful for having you as a friend? What if he just wants to hang out? 1.Whether or not you are a Catholic, how would you respond to having a conversation with Jesus? Be prepared to discuss these with the class
This is what the Bible is all about: God desiring relationship with us
Journal Reflection ReviewJournal Reflection Review How do you view what is in the Bible?
View: ReasonView: Reason We read the Bible through the lens of reason Include our own experiences Include our own thought processes “The power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways” “Humans do not reason entirely from facts"
Whenever we read Scripture, we must keep in mind that it is God speaking to us, trying to reveal something about God’s-self to us
Announcement Biblical Introduction ‘Quest’ on Monday
Homework Read pages (Zanzig) ( NO 185 ) Read pages C6-C8 (Bible) Journal Reflections: In “The Heart of the Bible’s Message”, reflect on the statements that attempt to summarize the Bible’s underlying message. Do these satisfy your understanding of the Bible’s message? Would you add another point to this list? From the 6 ways to interpret the Bible, which way do you naturally read with? Which one would you like to explore more? Why?