1.Take 5 minutes to add final details to the rough draft of your allegory. 2.Read Interactively: “A Simple Way to Create Suspense” 3.Take 5 minutes to revise your story to make it more suspenseful. 4.Shoulder Partner Workshop 5.Revise and edit your story: more more more more. AA 1.Reading Interactively: Turn in your marked copy of “A Simple Way to Create Suspense.” 2.Shoulder Partner Workshop: Turn in “Writing Workshop Thinksheet” 3.Final draft due Thursday, Dec 13 4.Organize your notes and blogs in a binder (for turning in on Thursday). Topic: Allegory Workshop Level: Examining, Evaluating December 11
Today’s Objective Write narratives using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well- structured event sequences.
Reading Interactively: Pink Packet In order to earn full points, these are things you must do for the article “A Simple Way to Create Suspense.” o Mark the text of the article in at least 5 separate places. (Highlight or underline passages that seem significant or particularly relevant to the topic or the primary claim.) o In the space at the end of the article, respond to the following prompts. (Use the reverse of the back page if you need more room.) 1.State the main idea (primary claim) of the article. 2.Quote (write) two passages from the article that support the primary claim. (These passages must come from separate places in the article.) 3.Respond to the ideas in the article by relating them to your experience or understanding of how writers make readers “hungry” to read more. (50 words) 4.Explain what you will do to revise your allegory to make it more suspenseful.
Shoulder Partner Writing Workshop 1. Trade allegories with your shoulder partner. 2. Read and mark your shoulder partner’s allegory: oDraw a star in the margin for passages that are well written or appealing. oDraw a smiley for passages that are amusing or entertaining. oUnderline passages that are difficult to understand. 3. On a separate sheet of paper... oComment on the suspense created at the beginning of the story. Is suspense present? How? If not, how could the author (your shoulder partner) increase suspense? (Make specific suggestions.) oProvide one more suggestion for improvement. (Think of the Six Traits.) 4. Return the allegory to its author. Explain your comments. Begin revising your allegory for suspense and other features of a bomb story.