THE GOSPEL OF JOHN IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1–16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 1. The Prelude to the Betrayal (13:1-2) 2. The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet (13:3-17) a. Showing the Example (vv. 3-5) b. Explaining the Example (vv. 6-17)
1) The example misunderstood (vv. 6-11) 2) The example applied (vv ) 1) The example misunderstood (vv ) Read Jn 13:6-11. The reactions of all but one of the disciples are not recorded. ~ With Peter it was different.
~ Gk. construction: “Lord, do You my feet wash?” ~ Peter was shocked! ~ Such an act of humiliation for the physical comfort of Peter was too much! ~ Peter did not understand that the need for Christ’s partial humiliation and the deed of His absolute humiliation go together!
This question expresses a strong dislike for something that was foolish and unsuitable. ~ By asking Christ what He was doing, Peter is, as it were, pushing Him away with his hand. ~ The true and only rule of humility is to submit in obedience to God and have everything within us approve all that God declares to be in line with His will, without any argument.
Read Jn 13:7. Jesus did not provide Peter with an explanation but expects him to submit to the washing in faith. Later in the New Testament, Peter explains his understanding of what Jesus had done (1Pet 5:5-6). ~ Peter came to realize that humble service meant obedience to Christ.
“What I do...” ~ These words teach us that we should simply obey Christ, even though it is not clear to us why He wants this or that thing done. ~ Thus the man who refuses God’s commands because he does not know the reason for it is too haughty. ~ We should not worry that we are ignorant about the things that God wants to be hidden from us for a time.
~ This kind of ignorance is more learned than any other kind of knowledge, for we are letting God be wiser than we are. Read Jn 13:8. ~ Peter sees the part, not the whole. ~ Jesus, however, is constantly thinking about the whole work of humiliation, of which this feet-washing is only a part.
“Never shall You wash my feet!” ~ This was not an expression of arrogance but of confusion. ~ Peter still did not understand Jesus’ teaching that to be a leader, a person must be a servant. But looking at Peter’s reaction her a little more closely, we can say that up to this point Peter’s modesty was excusable.
~ But now he sins more seriously, because he does not give in when he is corrected. ~ Truly, stubbornness goes with error. ~ John Calvin: “The true wisdom of faith is to approve and embrace with reverence whatever comes from God, knowing that it is done rightly and properly.”
~ If we do not decide that whatever God does is done for the best reason, our naturally stubborn flesh will continually grumble and will not give Him His due honor unless forced to. ~ In summary, until a man renounces his freedom to pass judgments on God’s deeds, no matter how much he may try to honor God, pride will always lurk disguised as humility.
Some people serve naturally. ~ For others, serving is an ordeal. ~ Some find it difficult to accept service from others. ~ We need to remember that the true point of serving is to obey and imitate Jesus Christ. ~ Likewise, accepting service from others is accepting Christ’s service. ~ Christ elevated serving others as the highest pursuit to which we can dedicate our lives.