Department E-Resources & Design Learning Resources Centre M. Kobyláková, K4 Září – prosinec 2009
E-Resources & Design Web development (Loucoll website, Staff Intranet…) Multimedia (Award evenings, Content for Learning objects, Student events, Promotial videos, Recording Lessons…) Design (Newsletters, Flyers, Booklets, Logo / icons, Posters,…)
E-Resources & Design Development of learning resources Investigation in to learning technology tools Working with existing college systems
Learning Resources Centre Customer Support Desk Answer enquiries from customers Record transactions (e.g. Issues, returns, renewals, reservations, fines) Take bookings Process acquisitions to stock
Learning Resources Centre Assists Assist in using computers, resources and equipment Assist & advise customers in using computer software Assist customers in locating resources, navigating and interpreting electronic resources
Learning Resources Centre Computer administration Issue computer usernames and passwords Administer systems relating to printing credits, disabling/enabling network users etc. Supervise student using the LRC