My Classroom Management Tiffany Reighley Ivy Tech Community College
INTASC Standard # 9 Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, to her professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. Brief Description: For this assignment, I presented my reflection on the authors philosophy, my classroom management and safety philosophy, and classroom management plan. I have reflected about my thoughts, feelings, concerns, and current work with children. I have included my classroom management, safety, and my developed management routine plan. Rationale: I have chosen Standard #9 for this assignment. I am showing the evidence on my evaluation of how I choose my philosophies. I have thought about how my choices will effect the learner, family, other professionals, and the community. I know I will need to adapt my style of teaching to different learners and that my philosophies might change.
My Reaction As I read the Philosophy I realized it is a lot how I would like to operate my classroom. I believe all children deserve a.. Caring community “The Key element in establishing a caring community in which students and teachers become partners” Kovar, S., Combs, C., Campbell, K., Napper-Owen, G., Worrell, V., (2012), Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators, Mc Graw Hill, NY
Caring Community reaction continued Know students personally Tell them about you Make it a safe friendly environment Ownership, Values, and Responsibility Have fun Greet and praise every student Teach them to solve problems Appropriate behavior Natural consequences It is not personal Kovar, S., Combs, C., Campbell, K., Napper-Owen, G., Worrell, V., (2012), Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators, Mc Graw Hill, NY
My Classroom Management Philosophy : Caring Community Positive Motivation Inspire and Encourage Patience Flexible Ownership Responsibility
A Few quotes…. I like the NEA code of ethics Principal 1: Commitment to the student “The educator strives to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society”. “When your students like you and trust you, they’ll want to please you, which in turn gives you powerful leverage to influence their behavior.” Koch, J., (2014), Teach, Belmont, CA, Wadsworth
My Safety Philosophy Students help make rules Students help make consequences Expectations Responsibility Caring Community Eyes and Ears open Concern box
My Classroom Management Routine Plan Check in Turn in homework Get desk ready Do jobs Bell Ringer Schedule on board Reminders Get started
My References Koch, J., (2014), Teach, Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Kovar, S., Combs, C., Campbell, K., Napper-Owen, G., Worrell, V., (2012), Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators, Mc Graw Hill, NY Safety Supply Warehouse, _and_Posters_p/sbv htm Smart Classroom Management, ssroom-management-tips/